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Safe Zones

SEE Safe Zone Locations

  Safe Zones range from hidden bunkers to vibrant and bustling cities. They are non-combat hubs where players can gather and prepare for their next Mission, serving as meeting points for players to rest, socialize with one another, and access various in-game services. These areas are designed not only as locations of respite and utility, but also to foster a sense of community and create opportunities for players to engage in various different activities together.   Not all Safe Zones have all amenities available, however many of them feature a number of useful features.   To facilitate positive community interactions, several tools are easily accessible to report and hide posts or other communications from other players that do not wish to see or hear them.  

Text Chat

Players can access various chat channels to communicate with others in real-time. Regional chat allows players to converse with others in the same Safe Zone, Squadron chat communicates directly with up to three members in a team, and Direct messages enable one-on-one conversations. The Clan chat provides a dedicated channel for members of the same clan to coordinate activities and share information.  

Voice Chat

Voice Chat (VOIP) is an optional feature that can be enabled for Safe Zones and beyond. When activated, players can speak to others in their nearby proximity, fostering more immersive and organic interactions.  

Transmission Center

The Transmission Center is a communication hub that allows players to interact with in-game characters and retrieve important messages, notifications, and rewards. Here, players receive correspondence from Factions, receive Secured Items back from the field, collect profits earned from successful Black Market sales, and more.   The area acts as an in-game mail system, facilitating communication between players and NPCs, enriching the narrative experience.   Important announcements and messages from the development team or automated system responded will be sent through the Transmission Center as well.  


Located near the main entrances, Directories feature a series of screens where players can post Clan recruitment notices, group requests for matchmade Activities, or schedule events in separate sections.   The interface allows players to create and customize their posts which automatically expire after a specific time to keep the boards fresh. Clan recruitment and scheduled event posts are valid for 12 hours while LFG posts are valid for one hour. There is also a one hour cooldown on the ability to post additional LFG requests and a 12 hour cooldown on recruitment and scheduled posts.   To encourage engagement and prevent spamming, the first post of each type per week is free, but additional posts incur progressively more expensive Currency. Successful group requests trigger messages in chat to inform players of the event.  

Zone Tracker

Zone Trackers are large displays prominently placed for all to see within certain Safe Zones. They show the top Achievement scores, time trial records, and other notable metrics achieved by players over the past 24 hours and week. This fosters a sense of friendly competition among Lightkeepers as they strive to climb the leaderboard and earn recognition for their accomplishments.  

Rest Stop

Most Safe Zones have dedicated Rest Stops in easily identifiable locations within them that serve as community hubs to encourage interaction and socialization. Rest Stops are the only areas in Safe Zones that players can use Voice Chat. Tables are set up where players can talk to each other and pass the time as well. As players spend time at a Rest Stop, they receive an XP bonus that progressively increases over time, incentivizing social interaction and encouraging players to connect with one another.  

Clan Lodge

The Clan Lodge is a segregated area within certain Safe Zones that offer a private area for members of the same clan to gather and socialize. Clan members can use resources to upgrade and decorate the Lodge with statues, holographic displays, and commemorative plaques celebrating players' accomplishments to reflect the unique identity and achievements of their group.  


The Armory is a terminal where Lightkeepers can access their full inventory of Gear and Items. Players can manage their equipment, dismantle unwanted items, and access the archived storage for complete item management.   Lightkeepers may opt to purchase Armory Expansion upgrades through the Emporium to increase the total storage space in the Armory beyond its default limit.  


Merchants throughout Safe Zones offer a diverse selection of loot and other valuable items for purchase. Each vendor specializes in different types of gear, catering to various playstyles and preferences. Players can interact with them to buy or sell items, and sometimes even trade resources.  


The Foundry is a workshop where Lightkeepers can repair and upgrade their equipment. Surrounded by machinery, skilled engineers work diligently to mend and enhance gear. All Foundries are interconnected, allowing them to offer various services fluidly across each of their locations.   Lightkeepers may opt to purchase Priority Maintenance or Swift Production upgrades through The Emporium to increase the speed of Gear Repair or Crafting at the Foundry.  


The Annex is a knowledge hub dedicated to research and development. Here, Lightkeepers can access a vast database of gear mods, upgrade blueprints, and crafting recipes. Various customization options allow users to experiment with and create specialized equipment suited to their preferred combat style.   Lightkeepers may opt to purchase Focused Testing upgrades through The Emporium to increase the speed of research at the Annex.  


The Atrium is an area that offers cosmetic enhancements, allowing Lightkeeprs to change the appearance of their gear through Transmutation (often referred to as "transmog”). Here, players can apply item skins to alter the appearance of their weapons, armor, and accessories, expressing their individuality and style without compromising their gear's Stats. Atrium representatives offer special bounties to earn Transmutation Credits which allows for item appearance modification.   Lightkeepers may opt to purchase Transmutation Credits upgrades through The Emporium for additional item Transmutations without the need to complete bounties.  

Security Encoder

The Secured status on an item indicates that the item is safely linked to a specific player and may not be picked up, looted by, or traded/sold to another player. It is effectively useless and unusable to anyone but its owner. Secured items may be used by their owner, dismantled, destroyed, or sold to vendors. Items can become Secured by visiting an Encoder and paying to apply the Secured status.   Securing gear prevents it from being lost upon Death, making it a very valuable investment. If a Secured item is brought into the field and the Lightkeeper dies while in possession of it, the item loses its Secured status. Items can also have the Secured status removed through Encoder services.  

Black Market

The Black Market is a marketplace for player-to-player trading. Lightkeepers can post items they want to sell to others by setting their desired prices. This trading hub provides a unique opportunity for players to acquire rare and sought-after items from fellow adventurers for a fee.  


Using their advanced knowledge of cryptoarchaeology, Cryptographers can assist Lightkeepers in a variety of ways. They can modify several Item Conditions on select pieces of gear, proving to be an invaluable service.  

Bounty Board

The Bounty Board is a large display located in a central area of most Safe Zones. It showcases a rotating list of limited-time bounties available to Lightkeepers. Each bounty is categorized based on difficulty and rewards, ranging from combat missions and exploration tasks to puzzle-solving challenges.  


Mirrus the wandering merchant appears in a random spot of a random Safe Zone every 18 hours for a four hour period. His presence is announced with a special banner and decorations near his location. Mirrus offers a rotating inventory of rare items for trade, including powerful weapons, unique gear, and valuable consumables. Additionally, he provides short-term Bounties that offer substantial rewards for completing specific tasks within a limited timeframe.  

Faction Agents

Various Faction agents operate anywhere deemed necessary, representing various groups with diverse ideologies and goals. Each faction offers unique challenges and opportunities for Lightkeepers to align themselves and gain Reputation with a particular Faction. As players earn Faction Reputation, they unlock exclusive rewards, gear, and access to specialized Faction-specific content.  

Viktor Armaments

Viktor Armaments is a group of skilled weaponsmiths offering experimental munitions to Lightkeepers for testing and development. Lightkeepers can purchase these cutting-edge weapons from Viktor Armaments representatives, each with its own specific research objectives. To unlock the full potential of these experimental weapons, players must fulfill objectives like achieving a certain number of kills, defeating specific enemies, or completing challenging Activities with the weapon. Once the weapon's requirement is met, Lightkeepers can return the weapon to a Viktor Armaments representative who will reward them with a weapon schematic and Reputation points for the Faction.