Summercamp 2024

Yep, I'm giving it a try!!
So, Summer Camp! Always a fun challenge and a great way to expand and improve your setting. Last year, I tried to focus on one setting. That was a challenge in a half, as I wound up with ideas for OTHER settings almost daily! I suppose, 'as is the tradition' should be stuck in there. So, this time I'm opening it up to several worlds but not all of them. This time, I'll be moving between these for Summer Camp...
Granted, I'll be focused first on Hoist the Colors, followed by Windtracer, as I've ongoing plans happening there. But I certainly will not leave out the others. There might be one or two other worlds that get some attention, we'll see!

Prep and the Warm Up

The homework, or prep, is just good mental exercise to get ready for Summer Camp. It's a tough challenge to be sure and the homework acts as a guide. For me, a map is the starting point for any world. So, I'll have at least two here...

Hoist the Colors Map

Realm of Summerdark

Windtracer Map

The world of Awldor
Now past the maps, I've some unofficial challenges but farther down I've got the homework (or as best as I've time to do), and I'll also be adding a tracking sheet as well! Thanks to Graylion!

Unofficial Challenges I'm Aiming For

So it wouldn't be Summer Camp if there wasn't some unofficial challenges. This time is no different.
Wandering Worldsmith badge
Wandering Worldsmith badge by Rumengol
  Tracking sheet by Graylion!  

Event Name

Summer Camp 2024


Kummer Wolfe


Change Theme: Change
3 out of 8
Refuge Theme: Refuge
2 out of 8
Belief Theme: Belief
0 out of 8
Decay Theme: Decay
0 out of 8

All Articles
5 out of 32

Change Theme: Change

8 Prompts
0 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Tumultuous times are interesting moments to set stories in, whether they be due to natural disasters, sickness, conflicts, or others. Characters face unusual challenges, infrastructure breaks down, and society as a whole can change. Change can be big and small—from the size of a small community or city to the entire universe—, and it can be positive and negative.
My Goal
Oh, got plenty of that. Hoist the Colors especially is a world caught up in change it didn't even see coming. Summerdark has had an event hit it that rocked the free folk to their very core. More change. Across both of these, I'll be exploring factions and the cultures and how that change took root with them.

Refuge Theme: Refuge

8 Prompts
0 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Where do you go when everything around you changes? A refuge can be a literal place (like a building or a city), but it can also be anything that keeps you safe or comforts you. The change someone takes refuge from can also be small in the grand scheme of things—sometimes, small changes can have deep consequences on a specific person or group.
My Goal
Where do you go when change hits? Well, with my worlds that depends on the setting. In some cases, such as with Hoist, people are still looking for refuge as the change hasn't stopped. Not really.

Belief Theme: Belief

8 Prompts
0 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Religious belief is a foundational element for many cultures, but belief doesn't have to be about religion! Beliefs can be about superstition, urban legends and myths, people you believe in, and more. Essentially, anything and anyone that inspires people, for good or ill.
My Goal
This one is tough. There is the initial belief through religion, but really isn't this just belief in something larger than yourself? That can go way beyond religion. It could be a concept, an idea, or even just who you could become. Belief can span from character to culture very easily. Culture writeups are needed pretty badly across several of my target worlds this time.

Decay Theme: Decay

8 Prompts
0 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Most things decay over time, but, just like all other themes, decay can be understood in a multitude of ways. There's physical decay, but there's also moral decay—both often go hand-in-hand with old organizations, and physical decay can be used as a metaphor for moral decay. And decay isn't always a bad thing - an evil empire might crumble so something better can flourish. Think about how people in your world try to prevent decay too!
My Goal
This one also spans so many things from personal to larger concepts. Death of a culture or a language come to mind. For that matter, a dying language people are trying to save. This happens when cultures move, change, and try to adapt. Some are able to, but others aren't. This would be decay and something my worlds need a bit of. Then there are conditions, which are a big stand out for Decay, too.


Change Theme: Change

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Prompt 5
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Prompt 7
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Prompt 8
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Refuge Theme: Refuge

Prompt 1
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Prompt 4
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Prompt 5
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Prompt 6
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Prompt 7
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Belief Theme: Belief

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Prompt 3
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Prompt 4
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Prompt 5
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Prompt 6
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Prompt 8
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Decay Theme: Decay

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Prompt 2
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Prompt 3
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Prompt 4
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Prompt 5
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Prompt 6
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Prompt 7
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Prompt 8
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Cover image: The Star Cluster by CB Ash using Midjourney


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Jun 11, 2024 10:37

Have a great Summer Camp my friend.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
Jun 11, 2024 10:49 by C. B. Ash

You too!

Jun 27, 2024 17:30 by Cassie Storyweaver

Oooo, I'm going to try to pick up that tracking sheet. Nice work, by the way. Are these campaigning worlds?

Greetings fromAdventurer's Guide to Exandria! Check out my Reading Challenge here: Reading Challenge August 2024.