Arch Mage Asmund The Abjurer
Arch Mage Abjurer
Arch Mage Asmund son of Asloth (Human, Male, 30, Abjurer) is the youngest of the Arch Magi, he was trained from a young age by his father who was the last Arch Mage Abjurer, recently retired. Whispers say that Asmund only attained his station thru nepotism, regardless he does show a great affinity with magic, often learning spells that older wizards cannot yet master. The Abjurer's nice and polite facade is obviously feigned, everything always seems tedious and boring to him but he pretends (poorly) that it doesn't. He enjoys partaking in drink a bit much for his father's liking, Asmund never lets it interfere with his duties however. He has a good relationship with the nobles of Nexus because they are his main clientele, as such he is invited to many of their parties and balls; he is inexperienced with the intrigues of court however so is likely to be used as an unwitting pawn by them in their latest machinations.
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