Gwenivere Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Gwenivere (a.k.a. Gwen)

Neutral Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4'11" 1/2


PC's: Ahlan Rhictemen - Unkown Varient Human Second Year (Lorehold) - Nathan Ezekiel Hawthorne - Unknown Halfling Second Year (Lorehold) - Ken Grigori Gallgher - Unknown Half Elf Second Year (Silverquill) - Brenndan Zenkris Selmer "Kris" - Unknown Eladrin Second Year (Lorehod) - Pootis   NPC's: Aurora Luna Wynterstarr - Neutral Dhampir First Year (Witherbloom) Bhedum “Rampart” Sooviij - Lawful Neutral Loxodon First Year (Lorehold) Cadoras Damellawar - Chaotic Good Elf First Year (Quandrix) Diane "Crane" Female Neutral Good Tiefling (Silverquill) (+1) Drazhomir Yarnask - Neutral Good Minotaur Second Year (Quandrix) (+4) Grayson Wildemere - Neutral Human First Year (Silverquill) Greta Gorunn - Chaotic Good Dwarf First Year (Lorehold) Javenesh Stoutclaw - Neutral Good Owlin Second Year (Lorehold) Larine Arneza - Neutral Good Human First Year (Quandrix) Melwythorne - Neutral Good Dryad First Year (Witherbloom) Mina Lee - Lawful Good Human Second Year (Silverquill) Nora Ann Wu - Neutral Good Human Second Year (Prismari) Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III - Neutral Human First Year (Prismari) (+1) Roe "Crow" Female Chaotic Evil Aasmir (Witherbloom) Rosimyffenbip “Rosie” Wuzfeddlims - Chaotic Good Gnome First Year (Lorehold) Rubina Larkingdale - Lawful Neutral Human First Year (Silverquill) Shuvadri Glintmantle - Lawful Good Owlin First Year (Silverquill) Tilana Kapule - Neutral Good Human First Year (Quandrix) (+1) Urzmaktok Grojsh - Neutral Orc Second Year (Witherbloom) (+1) Zanther Bowen - Chaotic Good Fire Genasi First Year (Prismari)


Classes:   (1) "Scrawl to the Wall: Scrivening and Symbology" Type: Required Lecture Course Professor: Xyla Langning   (2) "Arches and Textures: Natural Buildings of the Multiverse" Type: Field Work Professor: Dean Kianne   (3) "Talking Heads: Conversations with Historical Busts in Dead Languages" Type: Lecture / Application Professor: Xyla Langning   (4) "Rejecting Your Reality: Quantitative Arcano-physics" Type: Lecture Professor: Bildra Forheim       Schedule: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Morning - Class 1 / Class 2 / Class 1 / Class 2 / Class 1 / Class 2 / Class 1 / Class 2 Midday - Lunch / Class 3 / Lunch / Class 3 / Lunch / Class 4 / Lunch / Class 3 Afternoon - Class 4 / Lunch / Class 4 / Lunch / Class 4 / Lunch / Class 4 / Lunch Evening 1 - Club / Free / Club / Free / Club / Free / Club / Free Evening 2 - Job / Job / Job / Job / Job / Job / Job / Free Evening 3 - Job / Job / Job / Job / Job / Job / Job / Free Evening 4 - Sleep / Sleep / Sleep / Sleep / Sleep / Sleep / Sleep / Sleep  


Club: Dead languages Society Job : Bibloplex - book clerk


"Rejecting Your Reality: Quantitative Arcano-physics" Type: Lecture Professor: Bildra Forheim   "Arches and Textures: Natural Buildings of the Multiverse" Type: Field Work Professor: Dean Kianne   "Talking Heads: Conversations with Historical Busts in Dead Languages" Type: Lecture / Application Professor: Xyla Langning   "Scrawl to the Wall: Scrivening and Symbology" Type: Required Lecture Course Professor: Xyla Langning


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