Gwenivere | World Anvil

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Fri 22nd Jul 2022 05:22


by Gwenivere

Ahlan Rhictemen - Unkown Varient Human Second Year (Lorehold) - Nathan
Ezekiel Hawthorne - Unknown Halfling Second Year (Lorehold) - Ken
Grigori Gallgher - Unknown Half Elf Second Year (Silverquill) - Brenndan
Zenkris Selmer "Kris" - Unknown Eladrin Second Year (Lorehod) - Pootis
Aurora Luna Wynterstarr - Neutral Dhampir First Year (Witherbloom)
Bhedum “Rampart” Sooviij - Lawful Neutral Loxodon First Year (Lorehold)
Cadoras Damellawar - Chaotic Good Elf First Year (Quandrix)
Diane "Crane" Female Neutral Good Tiefling (Silverquill) (+1)
Drazhomir Yarnask - Neutral Good Minotaur Second Year (Quandrix) (+4)
Grayson Wildemere - Neutral Human First Year (Silverquill)
Greta Gorunn - Chaotic Good Dwarf First Year (Lorehold)
Javenesh Stoutclaw - Neutral Good Owlin Second Year (Lorehold)
Larine Arneza - Neutral Good Human First Year (Quandrix)
Melwythorne - Neutral Good Dryad First Year (Witherbloom)
Mina Lee - Lawful Good Human Second Year (Silverquill)
Nora Ann Wu - Neutral Good Human Second Year (Prismari)
Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III - Neutral Human First Year (Prismari) (+1)
Roe "Crow" Female Chaotic Evil Aasmir (Witherbloom)
Rosimyffenbip “Rosie” Wuzfeddlims - Chaotic Good Gnome First Year (Lorehold)
Rubina Larkingdale - Lawful Neutral Human First Year (Silverquill)
Shuvadri Glintmantle - Lawful Good Owlin First Year (Silverquill)
Tilana Kapule - Neutral Good Human First Year (Quandrix) (+1)
Urzmaktok Grojsh - Neutral Orc Second Year (Witherbloom) (+1)
Zanther Bowen - Chaotic Good Fire Genasi First Year (Prismari)

Gwenivere's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Classes
    07 Jul 2022 07:55:24
  2. Extracurriculars
    07 Jul 2022 07:56:25
  3. Schedule
    20 Jul 2022 01:18:43
  4. Popularity
    22 Jul 2022 05:22:35

The major events and journals in Gwenivere's history, from the beginning to today.


Classes: (1) "Scrawl to the Wall: Scrivening and Symbology" Type: Required Lecture Course Professor: Xyla Langning (2) "Arches and Textures: Natural Buildings of the Multiverse" Type: Field Work Professor: Dean Kianne (3) "Talking Heads: Conversa...

01:18 am - 20.07.2022


Aurora Luna Wynterstarr - Neutral Dhampir First Year (Witherbloom) (+/-) Bhedum “Rampart” Sooviij - Lawful Neutral Loxodon First Year (Lorehold) (+/-) Cadoras Damellawar - Chaotic Good Elf First Year (Quandrix) (+/-) Drazhomir Yarnask - Neutr...

07:57 pm - 07.07.2022


Club: Dead languages Society Job : Bibloplex - book clerk...

07:56 pm - 07.07.2022


"Rejecting Your Reality: Quantitative Arcano-physics" Type: Lecture Professor: Bildra Forheim "Arches and Textures: Natural Buildings of the Multiverse" Type: Field Work Professor: Dean Kianne "Talking Heads: Conversations with Historical Busts in D...

07:55 pm - 07.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gwenivere.

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