Drake Species in Nibmu | World Anvil


Drakes, a four-legged dragon that is one of the smallest in the species. A Drake can come in many sizes depending on where it is raised, but will never grow wings or be able to fly.    Most believe the Drake to be one of the least powerful of the dragon species. While one on one this is true, they can sport power equal to a full-size Dragon. Drakes are the smaller breeds, but they are also faster with a better sense of smell, sight, hearing, and touch. They breed faster and grow to their full size within six months of hatching.

Basic Information


Drake's size can range more than any other dragon. The smallest is normally about four feet tall and four hundred twenty pounds, the largest is six and a half feet tall and five thousand pounds. The weight difference is largely dragon scale thickness and muscle. The larger Drakes tend to live in more mountainous regions with more meat-based diets and get to fights against larger creatures. These Drakes are seen as the most dangerous, especially since their scales are spikes in several areas including a large horn at the top of their heads.    When hunting the Drakes has within it the same weapons as every dragon. Sharp claws made to rip apart metal. The claws of Drakes are also curved they can often be seen climbing trees to claim their pray. They are also given a powerful set of jaws.

Biological Traits

The Armored Drake, During the Dragon Wars, the gods gave a name to the larger Drakes. The Armored Drake is now considered a subspecies of the Drake. These Drakes tend to be five to six thousand pounds. Their muscle growth takes longer than a year to fully grow. They are also less pack like than any of the other Drakes.    When the gods did battle in the mountains of Nibmu they would always have to fight these creatures first. The Armored Drake would charge at them at full speed. When alone the creature did almost no damage. When its the first charge of a larger force they tended to be in numbers of fifty or more. These charges tended to break the gods out of the region until the Armored Drakes could be dealt with.   The dragon scale of an Armored Drake is considerably thicker than even a Dragon's scales. Most gods cannot even get a larger mace through the scales. It is argued by many gods that even the power of the Giants couldn't get through the hardened scale. Eventually, the gods managed to find gaps in the scales. The largest areas were at the base of the legs where the feet connect, and on the underside.

Genetics and Reproduction

Drakes can begin laying eggs every six months after they are fully grown. They require no males in the creation of a new life. A single female can also lay six eggs at a time. After the egg will take six weeks to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Drake will be born and will begin gaining its balance within the week. The Drake will grow to its full size in six months. Dragon scales will be at their full thickness at seven.

Ecology and Habitats

Drakes can live in any climate except a freezing one. Their habitat is with other Dragons and takes part in the tribes that inhabit Nibmu. They grew out of the more dense forests where smaller dragons tended to move faster were able to get more pray. Eventually losing the ability to fly they became a faster animal making their hunting grounds extend much farther. They normally eat creatures about the same size or animals that are a bit larger.   When not with the tribe they will normally sleep in caves or trees. While Drakes are more than capable fighters, they tend to rely on stealth and pack tactics when dealing with wild predators.   Often to mark a pack's hunting grounds they will scratch a few trees. Other Drakes will still hunt there, but if the controlling pack sees them the alphas will battle for control of the territory.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Drake is a pure meat eater. The amount will normally determine the size of the particular Drake.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Drakes are considered lesser beings by Dragons. Because of this, they are segregated to a lower part of their tribal lands. There they form almost a new tribe, a tribe that still follows the will of the Dragonlord. Drakes will gather food for the entire tribe, and only take about half for themselves.    Because of the Drake's size, they began hunting in groups. These hunting packs can be seven or eight Drakes working together. Within that pack there will be a leader, it is normally the elder Drake or one of the more experienced hunters.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They provide most of the meat for Dragon tribes. They also are the largest group called upon during the Dragon Wars.

Facial characteristics

A long triangular face that will start wide at the neck and top of the head and narrow as it gets to the nose. The Armored Drake will have a large jagged horn sticking sometimes curved more towards his back, sometimes sticking up sometimes, pointed out a little.    Most Drakes will less armor on the bottom part of their jaw than on the top of their head.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Drakes are mostly in the grasslands and forests. There exists a smaller number within the desert to the south. The Armored Drakes are all within the mountains and further west.

Average Intelligence

Unknown. It is widely believed that the Drake may be one of the more strategic of the species. Before the war, the Drake was already a skilled hunter and often harassed gods coming into the territory. They learned magic that not even the larger Dragons managed to learn. They also are capable of understanding most spells the Dragons perform.    The average pack is also much better coordinated than the Dragonlords. The Drakes will almost link their minds up before a hunt begins. Some Dragons when cataloging the dragon's histories think if Drakes were more involved then the Dragon Wars might have gone another way.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like the Dragon, Drakes have magic. They have the same potential as any other dragon species. While they are taught basic spells it is rare for the Drake to learn any real magic beyond its species. Dragonlords do not like Drakes learning.    That said, Drakes do have spells their species learns. Drakes are the hunters, they learned magic to change themselves to be better hunters. Their scales will change to mimic their surrounding areas. They will link themselves with packs to coordinate hunts. They are also the species that create most spells that alter a dragon's senses.   A Drakes mind is also its greatest weapon. Drakes hold memories longer than most dragons. Once a Drake gets a sense from you it will remember it for the rest of its life. You may escape any other species, but if you anger a Drake it will remember, and it will find you.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Most Drakes are divided into packs that serve as hunters for the entire community.

Beauty Ideals

Will depend largely on the area. In the mountains, the most attractive males are generally the most powerful, while the most attractive females are generally the largest. In the forests, the ones with the most vibrant color are considered more attractive. In the grasslands, the smaller Drakes are considered the best looking as they can hunt easier.

Gender Ideals

Male Drakes are generally a bit larger than the female. The color of females is also a bit lighter in some regions than the males.

Courtship Ideals

A male Drake will generally offer a bit of his bounty to a female Drake. If the female eats from it is considered an acceptance of the offering.

Relationship Ideals

The two Drakes romantically linked are known as companions. This is not a sexual or intimate relationship. Most of the time they will just share in hunts, and will defend one another if attacked.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak the same language as a Dragon would, but the Drake uses unique slang that is considered lower class amoung the dragons

Common Etiquette Rules

They are not to speak when a Dragon is present. They are also to obey an alpha. If they do not they must have strong reasoning else they may be banished from their pack and tribe.


The Drake began as the Dragon roamed the more forested regions of Nibmu. There the trees prevented the larger Dragons from being able to even see food sources. The Dragons landed and began roaming the ground for food. Most Dragons still flew every now and again, but the majority of food came from the ones that stayed on the ground. Those Dragon's wings became less and less powerful eventually the wings weren't capable of carrying the Dragons anymore even with the aid of magic.   As the generations ticked by the wings became less common in these tribes. As they did they began losing their faster pray. This led to the Dragons becoming smaller and smaller. With every new generation, the Dragon became faster and faster. They began multiplying faster and this sped up the evolutionary process. With a few hundred years, the Dragon became the smaller and faster Drake.   The Drake grew with other dragon species, the Dragonette, and Amphiptere. All three species multiplied quick, and many left the forest to join other tribes. Drakes grew in population the fastest. They flooded through every territory, though a group that went north froze to death. Another group went north to live with the Ice Dragon, also froze to death even with the aid of the Ice Dragon.    As the Drake spread to every part of Nibmu, most Dragons didn't know this was another dragon species. So the Drake was hunted down and eaten before a local tribe visited and informed the tribe what they were. The only other area where the Drake was not well received was a volcanic region near the center of Nibmu. There the Drakes were all attacked by a dragon species known as Wyverns.   The Drakes are one of the only classes to attempt to travel to The Beyond Lands. They reached a border, a stretch of mountain, and began their climb. Of a group of a thousand Drakes, only five returned speaking tales of monsters that inhabited the mountain range that attacked with a ferocity that even the Wyverns couldn't match. One even spoke of a dark figure that stood at the top of a mountain in a black cloak. The stories kept other species from even attempting the mountain passes.    In the seventh millennium, a strange new race of two-legged creatures emerged from a cave. The Drakes were one of the first to spoke the creatures and informed their Dragonlord. The Dragonlord placed them at the furthest westbound of Nimbu and directed a pack of Drakes to keep watch. They called themselves gods. The west was dry and uninhabited, but still, the gods found a way to live. They used a powered bone from light to manipulate the ground and change it from dry to beautiful farmland. The Drakes retreated every time they attempted to move out.   In the tenth millennium, the first shot of the Dragon Wars began. Tribes of Dragons began mobilizing for war. The Drakes did the same but were turned away when they offered their council. Gods battled the dragons on the land and attempted to take the sky. The Drakes charged headlong into the enemy lines time and time again their numbers being without equal. They killed many gods, but it wasn't enough. Millions of dragons died in every battle. The Drakes were the largest casualties, and once the gods found out about their birthrates they were targetted. Hunters began going out in mass to find areas where Drakes laid their eggs and crushed them. Every Drake died without mercy nor remorse. When the purge officially started the Drakes were first on the list of targets.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draco Drakidae
Average Height
4' for small 6' for armored
Average Weight
420lb smaller 6,000lb armored
Average Length
5'6" Small 13' Armored
Average Physique
Pound for pound the Drakes is the strongest dragon. It is faster on land than any of the others. The charge from an Armored Dragon is powerful enough to take down a full-size Dragon.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Drakes tend to be colored much like their environment.    A Drake you find in the forest will be a dark green colored mixed with lighter shades.    The Armored Drake is brown with light brown and black patches.    Grassland Drakes will be light green.


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