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Key Truuit

Key Tharia Truuit

"Well, sometimes I feel like I am a boy. I just wake up or... or turn a corner, and suddenly, I don't feel like... me anymore. I don't feel like Key anymore. Well, not the same Key. But I wouldn't want to be a boy all the time. If I had to pick, I would much rather be a girl."   "Who says you have to pick?"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Key is very tall, for a girl, with dark brown skin, hair, and eyes. She wears her hair short. She is also relatively flat-chested and is frequently mistaken for a boy.

Body Features

Key is 6'0". She has dark brown skin with cool undertones. She has small breasts.

Facial Features

Key has a diamond shaped face with a squat nose and dark brown eyes. She has curly dark brown hair, which she wears cropped very close to her head.

Physical quirks

When walking, Key tends to stroll, with her hands in her pockets.

Special abilities

Key has the magical ability to manipulate electricity. She often uses this to create hand lamps or sparkling sculptures, which she then sells.

Apparel & Accessories

Key wears traditional Thisaazhou clothing: loose trousers, usually cotton or wool, and an embroidered tunic. Sometimes, when she is identifying as female, she wears a skirt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Key was born to Ura and Toak Truuit, two Thisaazhou traders who named her after the Thisaazhou goddess of deceit. She grew up among an extended family of nomadic traders who travel the southern continent buying and selling rare goods. The Thisaazhou people have lived like this for centuries.   Though she travels quite frequently, Key has made friends with peers in many of the cities that her family frequents. One of her closest friends among these people was Matsias Beleed , whose parents let her family park their trailer in front of the house during their time in Illegate. Key and Matsias resemble each other somewhat, and they were so often seen together that if it weren't for Key's Thisaazhou clothing and Matsias's Pelan headscarf, strangers could have mistaken them for siblings.   Key has kept her hair cropped short. This, combined with her height, and the fact that her name, outside of Thisaazhou culture, is usually given to boys, caused her to frequently be mistaken for a boy. Key was never bothered by this. In fact, she often went along with it, pretending to be a boy when meeting certain people.   Around the age of ten, Key was mistaken for a boy by an Atlinthaian noble. Instead of asking her straight out, he danced around the subject, trying to come up with tests that that might reveal her gender, but Key continued to elude him. When he finally did ask, Key was honest with him, and he was so impressed by her, that he made a very good trade with her. When Key tried to explain to her parents that sometimes she felt more like a boy than a girl, her parents didn't really make sense of it, and shrugged it off as a phase Key was sure to grow out of. Key also told Matsias, who admitted that he did not fully understand, but that if she preferred to be a boy sometimes, it didn't bother him either way. This brought Key and Matsias ever closer.   As Key and Matsias got older, they started to deal with the changing politics in Ethion. Each year, new laws were being written that restricted Matsias and his family, as they were Pelan. When Key was thirteen, Matsias's parents urged her own to leave Ethion and not to return. Key was beside herself at the thought that she would not see Matsias again. But the next morning, as she and her father were getting ready to leave, her mother arrived at the door, carrying Matsias, who was distraught, and severely injured. Key's mother explained that she had found the boy outside a burning temple, pinned underneath a burning board. From the sound of singing inside, it was clear that the other Pelan in the city had been burned in the temple, and Matsias escaped due to sheer luck. Key's family left Illegate with Matsias in tow, never to return.   The journey out of Ethion took several days. During this time, Key and her father tended to her friend as he slept in her bed. Though they cared for his leg, it got continuously worse, and Key's father frequently gave Matsias medicine to sleep, so he would not have to deal with the pain. Key's mother also made sure that Matsias's Pelan clothes, including his beloved headscarf, were burned, and he was redressed in Thisaazhou clothing. The goal was to keep Matsias asleep as they crossed the Ethion-Atlinthaia border, and pretend he was not in their trailer. Once in Atlinthaia, they would recreate Matsias's identity as Key's brother.   Show Spoiler
When her family reached the Ethion border, however, her father told the enforcer at the border that his son was inside, sick with The Southern Fever. Not wanting to catch the disease himself, the man confirmed that there was, indeed, a boy in Thisaazhou clothing, in a fitful sleep, and drenched in sweat. He let them through without even looking at their paperwork.
Several months later, Key told her parents that she intended to apply to Faraday School of Magic, and that they ought to send in an application on behalf of Matsias. She explained that Matsias had frequently spoken of applying to the school, but never thought it possible. Her parents agreed, and shortly afterward, both Key and Matsias were accepted to the school.

Gender Identity

Key is bigender, though she has grown up in an environment that doesn't understand this. Even she does not completely understand her gender identity because no one has ever explained the concept to her. Therefore, Key uses she/her/hers pronouns both because she was born female and because, in her own words, "I would rather be a girl if I have to pick," but she frequently has times when she shifts to a masculine persona. This is marked by a change in personality as well as being less likely to correct people when they mistake her for a boy.   When Key is female, she tends to be more extroverted. She is more likely to take a leadership role, as well as more likely to take risks or play tricks on others. She is also more aggressive. Key's masculine personality is more introverted and more empathetic, likely to be attentive to the thoughts and feelings of those around her and tend to those in need.




As a traveling trader, Key was primarily tutored by her family, and other Thisaazhou. Each member of the community taught her something different that they were particularly knowledgeable about, from math to poetry to geology. Sometimes she had her Thisaazhou education supplemented by people in the communities in the cities where her family stopped. For example, Key attended the Pelan school which Matsias's father ran in the local temple when her family was in Illegate. Andlo Beleed was primarily responsible for teaching Key to read.


Since age ten, Key has been working alongside her parents as they travel. She makes carvings (an artform taught to her by her grandmother), and sells them or trades them when her family stops in cities. Her parents let her keep anything that she makes from her own trades.

Failures & Embarrassments

Show Spoiler
When Key was ten years old, she developed a crush on a boy in Atlinthaia and when it was time for her family to continue to the next part of their trip, she wanted to stay and be with him. But the boy was several years older than her, and she didn't realize that he had a girlfriend. He tried to be as nice to her as possible when explaining, but she was broken-hearted for several weeks. Her parents still like to tell this story about her first crush to new friends. They think it's cute, but she thinks it's embarrassing.

Morality & Philosophy

Key's moral beliefs are based on what she has witnessed herself. Because her people have been persecuted, as has her best friend, she tends to be a defender of the weak and downtrodden and will quickly jump to the defense of those she cares for. Her sense of loyalty is also a strong motivating force. She would rather break the law and stay true to a friend than stay true to the law and harm a friend. This does not mean she blindly ignores rules for her friends, but that she believes some rules are wrong, particularly when they hurt people that are non-deserving.


In line with her religion, Key only wears natural fiber clothing, and not never wears mixed fiber clothing. Furthermore, her clothes are more often than not, homemade. She usually wears traditional Thisaazhou clothing consisting of a loose tunic and pants with elaborate metallic embroidery. Though her mother would like her to wear the traditional wrap skirt that marks leadership for women, she prefers not to.

Personality Characteristics


Key hopes to become a renowned lightning wizard one day. She also wants to be understood for her gender, as well as to understand it better herself.

Likes & Dislikes

Key is a connoisseur of unusual music and literature. She has a small record collection of strange music from several different countries, as well as books that she's purchased from local authors. She is also partial to an Atlinthaian board game in which the players play Thisaazhou traders trying to purchase rare and interesting goods, though this she likes as much because it celebrates her people as it is rare an unusual.


Family Ties

Most of Key's family are Thisaazhou traders who travel the southern continent, though she has a cousin who is a Shax'ia priest in southern Nefrale.

Religious Views

Like most Thisaazhou, Key practices the Shax'ia religion.

Social Aptitude

Key is very charming. She is good at understanding people, and uses this to her benefit when buying and selling goods. When she's not trading, though, she is less empathetic toward people, though becomes very loyal as her relationships with others deepens. She is very good at empowering people by letting them decide how they want to handle problems in their lives, rather than trying to fix those problems for them.


When male, Key tends to slouch and speak more quietly. When female, she holds herself to her full height and uses the imperative more often.

Hobbies & Pets

Key enjoys archery, shooting, and most card games.


Key Truuit

sister (Important)

Towards Matsias Beleed



Matsias Beleed

brother (Vital)

Towards Key Truuit




Key and Matsias met as children, when their parents befriended each other. Matsias's parents would let Key's family stay at their house when they were in Illegate. Key and Matsias grew very close, practically like siblings. When Matsias's parents were killed, Key's family adopted him. Since then, Matsias has depended on Key, almost like a lifeline.

Nicknames & Petnames

Key sometimes would call Matsias "Mat," even before he started using this as his new identity.

Relationship Reasoning

Since their parents were close and they were the same age, Key and Matsias got to know each other well. They also both come from matrilineal cultures, and groups of people who are often viewed as second-class citizens.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Key and Matsias enjoy reading. They also practiced studying their magical abilities together, as well as playing sports with other children.

Shared Secrets

Key is one of the few people that knows Matsias's real identity.

Shared Acquaintances

Mr. and Mrs. Beleed, Mr. and Mrs. Truuit, Ilionori Lumo, Ayan Tyeen, Tilli Todetse

Legal Status

After Matsias's parents died, Key's parents officially adopted him, making them official siblings.

Key Truuit

friend (Important)

Towards Ayan Tyeen



Ayan Tyeen

friend (Important)

Towards Key Truuit




Key and Ayan met at Faraday School. They frequently eat lunch and study together. They share at least one class.

Relationship Reasoning

Key and Ayan have at least one class together. They meet through a mutual acquaintance.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Ayan and Key both make their own clothes.

Shared Acquaintances

Matsias Beleed, Ilionori Lumo, Tilli Todetse

Key Truuit

friend (Important)

Towards Tilitsitane Todetse



Tilitsitane Todetse

friend (Important)

Towards Key Truuit




Tilli and Key are roommates at Faraday School. They frequently eat lunch and study together.

Relationship Reasoning

Tilli and Key are roommates. They are both first years and share several teachers.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Tilli and Key are both interested in travel and archaeology.

Shared Acquaintances

Matsias Beleed, Ilionori Lumo, Ayan Tyeen

Miriam Lumo

friend (Important)

Towards Key Truuit



Key Truuit

friend (Important)

Towards Miriam Lumo




Miriam and Key meet on the train on the way to Faraday School for Wizards. Key's brother, Mat, quickly develops an affection for Miriam, which makes Key like her more.

Relationship Reasoning

Key and Miriam are students in the same year at Faraday School for Wizards. They have meals together and have some classes together. Miriam is also one of the few people Key's brother, Mat, actually likes. This makes Key like Miriam more as well.

Shared Acquaintances

Mat Truuit, Ayan Tyeen, Tilli Todetse

Devout Deceitful
Current Location
Year of Birth
1948 14 Years old
Stone Mountain, Virarona
Current Residence
dark brown
dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark brown
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Key is fluent in Thisizha, and conversational in Cugbo, Zhohu, and Imk.

Cover image: by Molly Mar


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