
Drow, or Dark Elves, are a subspecies of Elf that are typically native to either the Underdark or other such darkened environments. As such, they typically have some form of sensitivity to sunlight.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Angi Ap Au Eymaifpey Foibalin
Fuum Heb Leich Nei Neith
Nous Pushsa Reib Ro Roin
Sha Thoi Weyka Yaiy Yam
Yaztut Yevum Yudei Yuth Zaz

Masculine names

Avyau Dauchi Dumrim Ek Epshuk
Gackt Gail Ithro Lang Lon
Loray Maithyushi Nefau Oban Oda
Rithan Rugye Tawlam Temey Thaleiy
Unrun Waus Waza Yeka Yomu

Unisex names

Chey Favrib Gul Haup Hennav
Leth Leyvate Li Liniy Mey
Pawvau Peiley Ra Rin Tegke
Tel Thati Thivye Tongbe Toucha
Waiban Yaus Yinda Yog Yur

Family names

Amiswe Aukze Chougze Fetgamu Gaintha
Gayduy Lendem Lepsuyiz Luntan Lupchek
Mann Methwei Negyo Oisvelai Shaney
Shinauske Thakchech Tufdak Voup Woswe
Yayneshhe Yitsang Yuznoi Zagmembay Zoinza


Major language groups and dialects


Beauty Ideals

Drow typically do not beholden themselves to the same beauty standards due to their nocturnal and anti-solar nature. Even so, many Drow are considered beautiful, or at the very worst conventionally attractive due to their fairer Elven heritage.

Courtship Ideals

Underdark Drow

Drow who live within the Underdark tend to court their loved ones with precious stones that they find in the deep. Due to the abundance of valuable metals and minerals in the deeper places of the world, many Drow will learn how to craft at least basic objects with these materials. As such, when one Drow wishes to marry (called Dithema in Dauraf) they traditional propose using an object made of such precious material; usually a ring, bracelet, necklace, or earrings.

Relationship Ideals

While it is considered rare for Drow couples to split up, the truth of the matter is that due to the long lived nature of elves in general, especially Drow, they may live their entire lives with a different partner per century, or they may mate for life. Like many other humanoids, this aspect of Drow life is vast and complicated.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken
Related Locations


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