Eternity Guard

An extremely secretive order. What few records exist of the Eternity Guard come from old journals of the heroes of the Second Age, as well as off handed mentions in memoirs and reports of the same era. Many of them contradict.   The list of details confirmed about them is frighteningly short:
  • They seem to be powerful mages/magic users. Capable of teleporting with little effort, and seemingly appearing out of thin air.
  • Their ranks seem to be filled with Elves of some description.
  • They seem to prefer wearing plated armor with red robes over it.
  • They had some contact with the Blessed Dead, especially Valmir.
  • They played SOME role in helping defeat the Return, big or small.
Then there are the details that contradict, or are at best not confirmed:
  • They may be from an entire different reality.
  • They may have appeared on the continent before The Return.
  • They may be ruled by a Matriarch/be a matriarchal order.
  • They may be demons.
  • They may be angels.
  • They may have been here to hunt extra-dimensional criminals.
  • They may have been here to help stop the Return from the beginning.
  • They may be part of a world-wide conspiracy, consisting of them, and the old Binders and Watchers of the Second Age.
  • They may be time travelers. 
  • They may have been founded by Alim Sala, Valmir's apprentice.
Confirmed sightings of an members of this order have been rare to non-existent since the Return, with only eight confirmed sightings in the last millennia.


Unknown, possibly a matriarchy?


Unknown, mostly made up of Elves.

Public Agenda







Founding Date
Secret, Occult
Guard, Presumably


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