The original seat of power for the first Har-Konungr and Mikil Norstefnr, Nyhofustador has grown from a ruined village to a hardened and fierce city and captial of Nordanvald. Despite the long winters and harsh cold, the people of Nyhofustador remain defiant and strong, an embodiment of the national culture as a whole.
Beyond the local inhabitants, the city is often a stopping off point for adventurers looking for riches and adventure in the frozen north, as well as the few trading companies willing to invest enough to head to the far east to Toftir and Bottheima.
The city is the heart of Nordanvald politics, brutal and simplistic as it tends to be. It is said that the graveyard is mostly populated by those killed in honor duels, though this is almost certainly exaggeration.
The city primarily is made up of craftsmen and basic industry that is needed to keep the city and nation alive, along with the (admittedly small) national bureaucracy. Racially, it is primarily made up of Norse Humans, along with Half-Orcs, Olark, and Dwarves.
The Har-Konungr or Drottning becomes the default leader of the capital city upon their ascension, along with whatever land they hold originally. Though by tradition they elect one of their trusted court members to lead the city in their place.
The city still relies on some ancient walls that surround its core district and its castle, though the frozen north often proves as important for defense as its actual soldiers and walls.
Founding Date
2 3A
Alternative Name(s)
Joakim's Seat
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization