Order of the Watchers

A reaction to the horrific events of The Return, many Paladins and Knights took up arms against the abominations from beyond and below. These Paladins began as a hodgepodge of disparate warriors, but after The Return the Paladins coalesced into a single oath and order dedicated to watching for and destroying various threats from beyond the plane. They became the Order of the Watchers.   A secretive Paladin Order, the Watchers dedicate themselves to the protection of the mortal plane from enemies beyond the stars or the walls of reality. Demons, Aberrations, and even monstrosities from below are all fair targets to the Watchers.   Despite their secretive nature, the Order of the Watchers are well respected for their never-ending vigilance against threats that have nearly destroyed reality in the past. But they are also feared, for their strange use of magics needed to hunt otherworldly foes, as well as their often disregard for local laws and customs in order to hunt their quarry.


Born out of old Paladin Orders, the Order of the Watchers follows a traditional Paladin organization.   Anyone who wants to join joins as an aspirant, who apprentices to a Knight. They then pass their trials and survive their oath, becoming a Knight. A Knight can become a Knight-Captain, who runs a Hall. The Knight-Captains choose from amongst their number to choose a Knight-Commander, the leader of the Order.

Public Agenda

Protect Kalin and Reality Against the Horrors Beyond Our Plane.

Spectamus. (We Are Watching).

Founding Date
777 2A
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names


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