The Order of Ascetic Enlightenment

An ancient order that can draw its line back to the time of the Torva'Ir, the Order of Ascetic Enlightenment is a Paladin Order that reveres the highest tenants of the Avatar Suthan and seek to embody a form of pure logic and understanding in their Oath for the betterment of all life.   As their name implies, the Order is one of simplicity. Unlike other Paladin Orders, they do not wear fancy or overly dressed armor, they do not use master crafted and enchanted weapons, they do not live in beautiful Halls. Instead, the Order of Ascetic Enlightenment maintains simple halls with simple beds, they wear simple white cloaks and clothes to protect themselves from the elements, they use simple and functional weaponry. In living simply and ascetically, they hope to disconnect from their worldly worries and better embody their lord.   Despite being Paladins, the Ascetics are often better known as logicians and advisors, a position they are often asked to take. When not in those roles, they often either stay in their Halls to study, think, or meditate; if they do travel it is to learn and solve problems that the world foists onto them.   Despite being mistaken for simple scholars, many a bandit and robber has learned quickly that much like the paladins themselves, the Ascetic combat style has many hidden depths that can be unleashed in a cold and often brutal manner.


Due to their unique nature, the hierarchy of the Ascetics is rather flat to non-existent. One is either a Student (a trainee), or they are a Member. Students are trained by a Member or group of Members, and if they pass the tests and survive their Paladin's Oath they become a Member.   Once one is a Member, there is no more rank to attain, as rank is seen as illogical to the Order, since Logic will often bring about the answer to all questions. All major decisions are debated between Members in a logical fashion, and if disagreement exists a simple vote of which argument seems to be the most logical is held, with the most votes declaring the course of action. Where debate is between individuals, usually they will ask another Member to tell which argument is the most logical. It is said that the Ascetic Order Halls are as boring to be in as they are practical.


Due to their highly logical nature, the Ascetics have been described as boring and cold in equal nature. Despite misconceptions, the Ascetics do not seek to abandon their emotions or disregard them, after all to live as a humanoid is to have emotion, and it is illogical to try and argue that emotions do not hold sway. The perceived coldness/effectiveness of the order is simply that in their worship and actions, they try to let logic drive every action and word, and as a result can seem emotionless, when the opposite is usually true, it is simply that things such as tears for the fallen, love for a brother, and happiness at a victory should, logically, be held for the right moment.

To Think is To Live

Founding Date
1666 1A
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Ascetics, White Paladins, The Boring Paladins
Ascetic Paladin, or Ascetic


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