The Order of the Dead Rose

One of the most well respected Paladin Orders, the Order of the Dead Rose are well known around Kalin both due to their historical accomplishments and general attitude.   Dedicated to the worship of Morpulcar, the God of Death and Parting, the Order of the Dead Rose are not perhaps what one would correlate with images of death and dying. They are usually seen dressed in rainbow fabrics, or rainbow armor, color splashing from every conceivable place. When wearing Plate Armor they are known for their Skull Helms, full face helmets that are colorful amalgamations of color and design in the shape of a skull. Their name is taken from many depictions of Morpulcar showing them holding a single red rose.   Believing that Death is part of the natural cycle of Life, and that one should celebrate both the time they are on the mortal plane and the fact that their souls will forever be watched over by their Lord, the Order of the Dead Rose are a cheerful and happy lot of Paladins. Due to this, and their colorful adornments, they are often welcome in most places they travel. Add to this a renowned history including aiding both The Wayfarers and Blessed Dead of old, and staying above the modern din of politics, and their respect can scarcely be measured.


While many of the Order have modernized, their overall hierarchical structure has not.   One becomes a member of the Order by first becoming a Squire to an existing Paladin. Then, once the Paladin believes the Squire is ready they either undergo the tests or are let go to use their training in whatever they pursue in life. If they pass their tests, and survive their Paladin's Oath, they become a Knight of the Order.   Once a fully fledged Knight, they must follow the orders of local Knight Captains, who lead Order Halls. The Knight Captains report up to a Knight Commander, who is usually based out of a local capital or larger city and oversees several Order Halls in a region. The Knight Commanders then make up the Council of Roses, which report to and advise the Grandmaster, who is based out of their Grand Hall in Starmont.


The Order of the Dead Rose usually consists of upbeat and pious paladins. They are known for their welcoming and vibrant personalities most of the time, and their willingness to help their neighbors. To underestimate a Rose's abilities in battle though, is to court doom.

In Vita, Celebratio. Per Mortem, Pax. (In Life, Celebration. In Death, Peace)

Founding Date
89 2A
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Colorful Knights, Knights of the Dead.
Roses, Knights of the Rose


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