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Beran'jaran Magocracy

The Beran'jaran Magocracy, together with the Holy Empire of Veneastra and Nesserreich, forms The Thriatic Threaty.
Many of the best arcane spellcasters of Nimbaar live here.
Most of the inhabitants of the Magocracy are humans, altough elves, gnomes, and members of other species with affinity to magic come to live here.
Changelings were created here, but it's hard to tell how many still live in the Magocracy.


The Magocracy is governed by the Council of Nine, formed by the nine most powerful wizards and sorcerers of the country.
The Council is the legislative and executive organ of the country.
To join the Council, one must challenge and defeat one of the members in a contest of magical ability.
If one or more of the members dies, the remaining can choose who will substitute the deceased one.
People are divided in castes, based on their ability to perform magic. There are 11 castes: people who cannot cast spells form the lowest one, those only capable of casting cantrips or spells typical of their ancestry are above them. People actually able to cast spells form the superior 9 castes.


The Magocracy has some of the best arcane spellcasters in the world.
They also own a variety of creatures created through the use of magic.

Demography and Population

Most of the inhabitants of the Magocracy are humans.
Elves, gnomes and some members of other species from all over Nimbaar have come to live in the Magocracy to perfect the study of the arcane arts.
Changelings were created by some mages of this country, to be used as spies and assassins in a past war. They later gained their freedom, and nowadays it is hard to tell how many of them still live in the Magocracy.


The Magocracy formed by many, average sized, Floating Cities. It is the southernmost country of the Threaty.


The Magocracy has few regular soldiers, but has many well trained war mages.


The Mage is the most commonly worshiped deity in the Magocracy.
Beran'jarans believe in reincarnation, and in the idea that through the study of arcane magic, one can purify the stellar matter inside themselves, and reincarnate in a better being.

Foreign Relations

The Magocracy is allied with the Holy Empire of Veneastra and Nesserreich.
They also have good relations with Oswand.

Trade & Transport

The Magocracy has a large production of magic items, and owns a good amount of teleportation circles, that allow fast transportation of goods in the territories of the Thriatic Threaty.


The Magocracy offers basic education to all the children of its citizens, but that includes tests to evaluate the kids attitude towards magic.
Several academies for the study arcane magic are owned by the Magocracy, and most of the members of the Council of Nine are either teachers or principals of this institutes.

Perfecting the stars within

Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
The Magocracy
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The members of the Thriatic Threaty mint the same coins: on one side they have a star, on the other the motto of one of the members of the alliance.
The motto of the Beran'jaran Magocracy is on the silver coins.
Legislative Body
The Council of Nine has legislative and executive powers.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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