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The Court of Stars

The Court of Stars is the main religion in Nimbaar. It is a polytheistic cult that worships the The King of Days, The Queen of Nights and the other deities that form their court, each of them represented by a constellation.

Mythology & Lore

"In the beginning, the world was a cold and dark place. Unkwnown abominations roamed the multiverse in the time before day. Then came the King of Days and his spouse, the Queen of Nights. They shone their lights, and gave order to the chaos."   "Every morning the King of Days rises from his throne to fight the Ancient Dark. Every evening, when the darkness becomes stronger, the beloved Queen of Nights calls her court to watch over the lives of mortals."   "It was forseen that one of the gods will fall to the Darkness, and kill its King. In its constellation will shine the red star of betrayal, the last light the world will see. Thus the King of Days and his Court of Stars shall never meet. Thus the Queen of Nights is ever vigilant."

Cosmological Views

According to the faith of The Court of Stars, the multiverse always existed, but originally it was a dangerous place, where the Ancient Dark reigned and only monsters could survive. The King of Days and the Queen of Nights carved out an area where a different form of life could exist. They pushed away the darkness, created Nimbaar and the creatures that populate it. The King of Days is the sun and the Queen of Nights is the moon, the other gods are the other constellation visible in the night sky.


The day of a worshiper of the Court of Stars begins with a prayer to the King of Days, and finishes with one to the Queen of Nights. The weekly day of worship for the King of Days is Sunday and the one for the Queen of Nights is Monday: mass is celebrated multiple times during these days. Most of the celebrations for the other deities of the Court of Stars are held at night.


The clerics of the Court of Stars wear night blue robes, and an holy symbol which represents the sun and the moon united. Amongst the priests of the Court of Stars some choose to worship a specific deiety above the others and wear holy symbols representing their constelation.

Granted Divine Powers

The deities of the Court of Stars are able to awaken the stellar matter inside their most devout followers, enabling them to channel divine magic. Every deity in the Court of Stars can give their followers the power of the Light Domain. Specific deities guarantee different domains to their worshipers. Only the Ancient Dark can give the power of the Death Domain to its followers.

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