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Obalian culture is hard to describe: they have strong core values, but are open to add the most convenient aspects of other cultures they conquer to their own.
Most obalians are goblins and hobgoblins, but many other species, mostly considered savage by other countries, find their home in the Obalius Empire.
Obalians traditionally use three names: their proper name, their father's name, and their family name. The species that most recently joined the Empire might still use their old naming conventions, but have to use the imperial one in formal situations and on official documents.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Azalia, Dorizam, Gaknara, Khaeldrala, Lorkana, Maezvala, Navlokam, Rovrana, Vrudia, Zravla

Masculine names

Aedorgius, Draegus, Khurdum, Malvorus, Nugnus, Olvigius, Rankodem, Undalus, Vorbalus, Zrorem

Family names

Axia, Caesoria, Durmia, Faucia, Heia, Loria, Maevia, Priscia, Scandia, Victricia


Shared customary codes and values

Obalian believe in order, and the necessity of powerful military to enforce it; they believe that anyone can reach the top of an organization, as long as they bear respect to their superior, and are willing to go through every necessary step.
Obalian look at other cultures pragmatically: if something doesn't contradict their core values, and helps bring their people together, it is taken and incorporated the Empire's customs.
They believe in personal freedom, allowing everyone to behave however they like, enjoy whatever they like, worshiping whichever god the like, as long as the laws are respected.
Obalians also believe in swift and decisive punishment of criminals.

Common Etiquette rules

When meeting, the lower ranking person has to salute first.
In formal situation, people have to present themselves using their full name, according to the imperial tradition.

Common Dress code

There is no standard dress code in the empire: everyone is free to dress as they please, according to the custom of their species.
People who hold a significant role in any organization, usually wear an insignia of their rank in every occasion.
Red is considered the colour of power, and traditionally is not worn by common folk, altough there are no laws against it.

Art & Architecture

Oratory is considered the most important art for obalians: everyone who hopes to reach the highest ranks of the Empire should study it.
Statues, frescoes and mosaics adorn the houses of the rich, public squares and buildings.
Private architecture is simple and practical: the houses of the wealthy are bigger, but otherwise not much different to those of the poors.
Public spaces like squares, roads and bridges and public buildings, instead, are impressive. They are often marked by statues or phrases that commemorate some important event, or the person who sponsored the construction.


Beauty Ideals

Cleanliness, order and simmetry are considered beautiful by traditional obalian standards.
Men tend to be clean shaven, with short hair, while women keep their hair at shoulder-lenght and often tied or braided.
With the inclusion of many "wild" species in the Empire, some of the tribal aesthetics are contaminating obalian fashion.

Relationship Ideals

The ideal romantic relationship for obalian leads to marriage, children and the continuation of one's name.
As with any other matter, though, obalians have a pragmatic approach to romance: as long as people respect their duties towards their families, and don't bring public shame to them, they are free to have as many lovers as they want.
Friendship is considered positive when it stimulates competition, and pushes friends to become better people, betters soldiers or better politicians. Good obalians have friends who have a similar skill level as their own, they learn from them, they try to outdo them, they ditch those who slow them down, and keep the ablest one close.

Major organizations

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