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Obalius Empire

The Obalius Empire was founded by hobgoblins. They are the smartest and most organized of the goblinoid species and they managed to rally goblins and bugbears.
After The Mist forced people to live in Floating Cities, it was easy for them to convince less technologically advanced populations to join them.
Nowaday the empire is also populated by orcs, half orcs, lizardfolks, shifters, but even some gnolls, hill giants, ogres, and trolls, all kept together by the hobgoblins' iron fist.


The emperor is the supreme authority, altough he periodically meets with a senate, especially when important decisions need to be taken.
The senate is formed by the proconsuls, administrators of the various provinces elected by the emperor, representatives of the different species chosen by their own people, and high ranking members of the army.
Everything in the empire is organized in precise hierarchical structures, and one has to go through all the ranks to reach the top of the organization.
For this reason, most of the highest charges hare held by hobgoblins, and some by goblins and bugbears, who have been part of the empire for the longest time.
"Emperor" is not an hereditary title: the senate chooses the emperor, usually from the ranks of the military, then the title is held for life.


The species united in the Empire are some of the most naturally gifted fighters of Nimbaar.
As long as the hobgoblins mange to keep them under control, they form one of the most (if not the most) powerful armies of the world.
On top of that, hobgoblins are great strategists, and they own the biggest warships of Nimbaar: the dreaded Redsteel Fleet.

Demography and Population

Goblin are the most numerous population of the empire, because they reproduce at a far greater rate than any other species. Hobgoblins are a close second.
Bugbears are few, but well integrated. The other species are still struggling to become completely part of the community, especially because their old lifestyles are not very compatible with the strict hobgoblin discipline.
Their numbers are also smaller, especially those of giants, ogres and trolls.


The Empire is set on several Floating Cities, placed on a diagonal that goes from north to south, from east to west, starting east of the southernmost mountain of Coatul. The southernmost part of the Empire is south of the Andranes Republic, west of the Gjelargan Bankocracy and east of Oswand.


The army as a really important role for the Empire. As every other part of this society, it has a precise and rigid structure.
Every citizen of the Empire has to spend two years in military service as privates, then they can choose if they want to go back to their old life, or continue their military career.
Even if they leave the army, they can be called back to fight in case war breaks out.
If they choose to remain in service, they become professional soldiers, paid and supplied by the state, and they can begin their career.
Ascending through military ranks is the easiest way to get a seat in the senate and possibly to reach the title of emperor.


The Queen of Nights and The Hero are the most important deities for the Empire.

Foreign Relations

The Empire has neutral relations with most countries, because few of them dare to make an enemy out of them.
Unfortunately, they don't have many allies, either.
Al-Thran rivals with the Empire for the strongest military of Nimbaar, and the Empire refuses to hire them.
The Empire and the Andranes Republic have fought in the past and still treat each other as enemies.
Recently the Empire tried to reach out to the Gjelargan Bankocracy to form an alliance, but have not yet reached an agreement.

Agriculture & Industry

The Obalius Empire is almost self sufficient, able to produce and process most of the resources they need.
Both agriculture and industry are heavily influenced by the decisions of the senate, in order to provide everything that the country needs.

Trade & Transport

The Empire doesn't trade a lot with other countries, mostly selling the excess of their production in exchange for electrum.
They have few commercial ships, which belong to private citizens, because most of their fleet is made of warships.


The Empire offers basic education to everyone who wants it, and has forced the races everyone who wanted to be part of it to learn at least how to speak the common tongue.
Soldiers who continue their military careers, are taught to read and write.
There are schools for advanced learning, especially for engineering and law.

Through order, unity; through unity, strength

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The goblinoid alliance
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
The empire mint their own coins: on the gold ones is depicted the face of the emperor, on the silver ones a warship, and on the copper coins is represented a spear.
On the other side of every coin os written the empire's motto.
Legislative Body
The laws are discussed by the senate, but ultimately only the emperor as the power to promulgate them.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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