Border Hills {Marlun}
The Border Hills is an area of hills that runs from east to west on the eastern side of Marlun. It is the traditional south border to The United Council's Territory of Glarn since much of the influence that Glarn is supposed to have fades quickly beyond them. To the south of the Hills, there are a few settlements that are not adhering to any of the factions in The War for Marlun, the most notable being the town of the Foolish Dean, Croeterfyn.
The hills vary in height and form a vantage point over the roads to the south and west. Close to no conflict has moved to the eastern parts of Marlun, thus the hills have been mostly untouched by warfare and construction. The only signs of Human or Demon hands are the villages that hides inside or close by to the hills. piercing through is also a smaller river that snakes across and towards Israk Forest. The hills are full of fresh grass during the late springs and summers with some housing the wonderous flowerbeds that are used in herbalism and cooking by the locals that reach these places.
While flowers and grass are the most of the fantastic nature the hills give, the animal life is dangerous like many places across Marlun. Wolves and other small predatory animals are found to hunt sheep and heffles that roam with their shepherds. While it is uncommon for Gravlocks to fly down from the mountains and hunt here, there are instances of them having been seen and even attacked. What is most fear is the fact rumours of other creatures hiding in the hills, in the cave systems that run in and around the hills.
Alternative Name(s)
The Green Hills of Marlun
Rolling Hills
Location under
Owning Organization