The Wanderer

We met a man as we travelled to Telarhem. He was old with a long beard, a pointed hat and equally ragged traveller clothes and cloak.
I felt... disturbed. I wanted to turn around and not meet his gaze. Even standing in his path felt as if it was an atrocity that would send me to an early grave.
Those I travelled with froze... all trying to find any way to NOT be in his way...
— Journal of Angammer, Warrior from Orfordswhelm
Few travel alone on the roads across Telamirein, Marlun and Narzuvim. Safety in numbers means that you usually don't have to worry about creatures, animals and criminal characters. But when you find someone travelling alone, always be on the defence, especially when you see the brown-greyed clothes of an old Human man. Some are strong, or perhaps oblivious, enough to ignore his presence, for he is a cold, harsh, judging character. The accounts about him vary largely so much it is true that no one should approach him without an ounce of self-preservation. The Wanderer is a man, a being, a frightful one, that all should be cautious around, for no one is safe in his presence.


The Wanderer has always appeared as an old man about 1,9 meters tall. The grey clothes are well worn to the point of showing signs of lasting use with tears, dirt and wrinkles. He always carries a staff similar to what a shepherd would use. His hat is also a common occurrence, pointed and with a wide brim that covers his eyes as he walks with a tiny crook to his back and supports himself with the staff. This walk can, however, change in an instant to be much more firm and confident. Some accounts say he has only one eye.
Even if what I saw was a man, he was different. Powerful, with an immense presence, unlike any man of similar statue. Even a wizard or mage could not perform something similar to frighten me.
Not one of us moved and it all fell still as if time had started to move slowly. This feeling could not be shaken away by the calm winds that fell silent.
Then the staff knocked against the stone path. The Wanderer stepped forward...
— Journal of Angammer, Warrior from Orfordswhelm

Meeting The Wanderer

Few willingly search for him and those who don't , and will not, find him. The Wanderer seems to ignore most of those he passes by and due to the feeling of dread, fear, power or submission, few dare to try anything, even move. There have been some cases where lone travellers or smaller groups say they have met The Wanderer with no such ill presence to him. These times some might even talk to him, or him talking to them as they pass by. These "friendly interactions" tend to be dismissed as cases of hearsay or imposters. For a few, they are adamant about saying they have met him and not had any friendly interactions with him but instead had simply remarks or "small talk" about the route or destination they are travelling to.

And Meeting the Wanderer...

I felt my hand move to my sword hilt as the old man took each step. With each click, and knock, they were echoing a windstroke into my ears. I halted myself from anything foolish and instead let my hand fall as I took one foot and stepped in front of the other.
My eyes did not leave him as we passed each other... but he had noticed my misstep, I just knew...
My time would come soon.
— Journal of Angammer, Warrior from Orfordswhelm
Then there are witnesses to those who had the courage of foolishness to try intimidation, robbery, threats or mockery. Accounts... vary of these actions. Some are ignored and The Wanderer continues on his path. Others are not so fortunate and those who have escaped this have not been the perpetrators themselves. They tend to not be alive, found dead in a scene of battle or having died asleep in their travels or at home. There are some few who simply disappear, known to have done something to The Wanderer and never reappeared again.
It can be put simply to all who travel the roads; don't anger or be ignorable of The Wanderer.
The old man passed me and I could see something on his face that I did not attempt to witness.
It was a smile.
A smile of someone who knew everything, someone who knew what my fearful state had almost brought me to do. If I had done anything that day...
I... I needed to write to remind me. That man was no ordinary man, The Wanderer would one day claim my life.
When I don't know...
— Journal of Angammer, a former warrior from Orfordswhelm

Who is The Wanderer?

Understanding the identity of such a being, who appears suddenly, who frightens all, who dares to cross the path of kings and who cannot be ignored, is a task that some try to take. Questioning people who have seen, met or known those who have met him is a grand task. Conclusions that have been presented have been everything from wizards that are immortal to ancient beings that can imitate the appearance of an old man.
Then others claim him to be a God. Askersound, Rhyn and even Krakros have been claimed to be The Wanderer. This has been firmly rejected by The Eight Pantheons due to the nature of The Wanderer. His fearful presence marks people for life and such a God is neither of the three mentioned. If he were a god, no one would claim him as their own. At least... no recognized groups or cults.
Ha, haha... It is a laughable thought. For what do they truly know?
— MM


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