
Amrantahs are humanoid living machines, imbued with the soul of a deceased person from the planet Amran. They are made from highly advanced magitech and possess a bluish energy that flows within their metal bodies. With access to a ghost forge, they can easily modify their appearance and take on different forms, some resembling draconic or bestial humanoids, while others adopt a blank-faced, enigmatic appearance. They may also choose a gender fitting their soul's identity, shaping their bodies to reflect their gender.   Amrantahs possess naive, innocent, and undeveloped personalities upon emerging from the ghost forge, influenced by their preimprint personalities. They tend towards chaotic good or chaotic neutral alignments, with a fun-loving and whimsical personality. Their culture is largely defined by their environment, as they are accustomed to the pleasure-cities of Amran and have short attention spans. They can be petulant when denied their desires, but are generally good-natured.   Amrantahs have a casual relationship with religion, seeing death as the doorway to new adventures. They respect death but do not fear it, as they believe in reincarnation, although the reborn souls always emerge with a blank mind and personality due to the inability to reprogram the ghost forges.   In terms of physical appearance, Amrantahs range from 5 to 7 feet tall and weigh between 120 and 350 pounds. They can live for a little over a century as their physical components degenerate over time.
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