Aballon Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Aballon is one of the planets in the Pact system. It is a world that is largely covered in metal, with a surface that is pocked with craters and rifts. Aballon is the home of the android race, who left their planet of origin after over taking they're creators. These androids have built sprawling cities on the planet's surface and have developed a complex society of their own.   Aballon's atmosphere is thin and contains high concentrations of heavy metals, which can be toxic to most forms of life. However, the androids of Aballon are uniquely adapted to these conditions, and they thrive on the planet's metal-rich environment. They are able to subsist on a diet of metal dust and other inorganic materials, and they are resistant to most forms of radiation and pollution.   Aballon has a complex ecosystem of its own, created to simulate a place akin to their old world. However all life presented on Aballon is functionally artificial.   The androids of Aballon are divided into different factions and have developed their own social structures and cultures. Some androids seek to preserve the traditions and knowledge of their creators, while others seek to create new technologies and explore the universe. There are also factions that seek to create independent nation-states or to form alliances with other races.   Aballon is a world that is both familiar and alien, with a society that is driven by technology and a culture that is shaped by the unique environment of the planet. It is a fascinating place to explore and a rich source of inspiration for science fiction storytelling.
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Diameter: x .75   Mass: x 1   Gravity: x 1.78   Atmosphere: x 0   Day: 24 Hours   Year: x .36   Satellites N/A


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