Bolead Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Bolead is a terrestrial planet in the Baaech star system that is known for its unusual orbit. It has one large moon that orbits around it, which has had a significant impact on the planet's history and development. Bolead is roughly the same size as Earth, with a similar composition and atmosphere.   However, unlike Earth, Bolead's orbit has been changing over time due to the gravitational influence of its moon. Over millions of years, the moon's gravitational pull has caused Bolead's orbit to gradually shift closer and closer to the star. Currently, Bolead's orbit passes very close to the star, and for a brief period of time each orbit, it actually passes through the outermost layers of the star's atmosphere.   Despite this dangerous orbit, Bolead is home to a thriving civilization that has developed advanced technology to protect themselves from the intense radiation and heat of the star. The planet is surrounded by a powerful force field that shields the inhabitants from harm, allowing them to continue their way of life even as their planet's orbit grows ever more precarious.   Bolead's inhabitants are a hardy and resourceful people, who have adapted to their planet's unique environment. They have developed technology that harnesses the star's energy for power and has enabled them to thrive in the face of the many challenges presented by their unstable orbit. However, they also know that their situation is precarious, and they are constantly searching for new ways to ensure their survival in the face of the ever-changing galactic landscape.


  • Bolead Map
    Section of Boldead's most populace area
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Diameter: x .8   Mass: x .8   Gravity: x 1.25   Atmosphere: x .3   Day: 24 Hours   Year: x .34   Satellites N/A


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