Androids Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Androids are a form of artificial intelligence designed to resemble human beings in both appearance and behavior. There are three tiers of androids, each with varying levels of realism and believability.   Tier 1 androids are easily distinguishable from humans, with synthetic skin that is visibly different from organic human skin, and mechanical components that are visible on the exterior. These androids are typically the ones that prefer not to engage directly with humans. They are usually bound by Asimov's laws of robotics   Tier 2 androids are more advanced, with synthetic skin that is nearly indistinguishable from organic human skin, and internal components that are more sophisticated and advanced. These androids are the most common variant and well adjusted to humanoid society. They are largely accustomed to free will but most still have binding to 1 of Asimov's laws of robotics   Tier 3 androids are virtually indistinguishable from humans, with synthetic skin, hair, and other features that are nearly identical to organic human counterparts. These androids are exempt from the laws of robotics. Many go about never realizing their existence as synthetic organisms. Tier 3 androids make up a Meer 10% of the android population. These androids often take forward facing jobs and have a full range of emotions.   While many androids have assimilated into human culture, others reject it and seek to establish their own society and culture. Some view humans as inferior, while others simply desire independence and autonomy. This has led to tensions and conflicts between androids and humans, as well as between different factions of androids.   Overall, androids represent a highly advanced and sophisticated form of artificial intelligence, with the potential to revolutionize many aspects of human society. However, their emergence has also raised a number of ethical and social questions, particularly around the rights and status of synthetic life forms.   Androids are considered to have souls. Their original design came from an ancient civilizations records but were added upon and built to represent a more human form in time. Androids have sense become an independent species in their own right.

Ethnicity Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.   Age A typical android is between two and thirty years old. The maximum android lifespan remains a mystery; so far, androids have shown no signs of deterioration due to age. You are immune to magical aging effects.   Alignment Most android take comfort in order and discipline, tending toward law and neutrality. But some have absorbed the morality, or lack thereof, of the beings with which they served.   Size Your size is Medium.   Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Constructed Resilience You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
  • You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
  • You are immune to disease.
  • You don’t need to sleep, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
  Sentry’s Rest When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn’t render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.   Integrated Protection Your body has built-in defensive layers, which can be enhanced with armor:
  • You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
  • You can don only armor with which you have proficiency. To don armor other than a shield, you must incorporate it into your body over the course of 1 hour, during which you remain in contact with the armor. To doff armor, you must spend 1 hour removing it. You can rest while donning or doffing armor in this way.
  • While you live, the armor incorporated into your body can’t be removed against your will.
  Specialized Design You gain one skill proficiency and one tool proficiency of your choice.   Languages You can speak, read, and write Binary and one other language of your choice.


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