Church of Resonance Organization in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil

Church of Resonance

In the Church of Resonance, the followers believe that the sun is a divine being and the source of all life in the universe. They believe that by worshipping the sun, they can attain eternal life and transcendence to a higher plane of existence.   The cult is led by a charismatic leader who claims to have received a revelation from the sun itself. She preaches that the sun is a deity that demands obedience and sacrifice from its followers. The cult members are required to pray to the sun every day and perform daily rituals that involve exposing themselves to the sun's rays.   The cult has its own language and customs that set it apart from the outside world. They wear flowing white robes and adorn themselves with jewelry that reflects the sun's light. They live in a secluded community where they grow their own food and rely on solar power.   The cult members are fiercely devoted to their leader and the sun. They believe that those who reject the sun's teachings will be punished with eternal darkness and damnation. The cult also has a militant wing that seeks to convert non-believers and protect the community from any perceived threats.   The cult grows in power and influence, as it travels to distant system away from their outer rim world. They brainwash the minds of those who they wish to indoctrinate into their religion (mostly women).

Public Agenda

To preserve and grow their religion. To spare the miserable. To Bring enlightenment.

Hallowed are the bright ones.

Religious, Cult
Related Ethnicities


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