Shakalta Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The Shakalta are a truly remarkable alien species, consisting entirely of solid light that seems to have a mind of its own. They exist in a state of pure energy, capable of moving and changing shape with astonishing ease. The Shakalta are highly advanced, possessing an intricate culture based around their intense devotion to their religious beliefs.   Their society is centered around the worship of a cosmic entity known as the Lightbringer, which they believe is the source of their existence. To the Shakalta, the Lightbringer is a godlike being that imbues them with purpose and meaning, guiding them in all aspects of their lives. As a result of this profound faith, the Shakalta are among the most peaceful and harmonious beings in the galaxy, valuing cooperation, compassion, and understanding above all else.   One of the most unique aspects of the Shakalta is their dual nature. Each Shakalta has two souls, each with a distinct personality and set of beliefs. These souls are constantly in conversation, debating and discussing every aspect of their existence. While this may sound chaotic or confusing, the Shakalta have developed a sophisticated system of communication that allows them to function as a cohesive whole, or independently as needed.   Despite their advanced technology and formidable abilities, the Shakalta are deeply humble and unassuming beings. They view themselves as mere servants of the Lightbringer, tasked with spreading its message of peace and enlightenment throughout the galaxy. As a result, they are often sought out by other species as wise counselors and trusted advisers, their serene presence and deep wisdom inspiring awe and respect in all who encounter them.


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