Dessamar Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Dessamars are a fascinating species with unique life cycles and a society based on magic and the study of Wazisa auras. As adults, they resemble bipedal butterflies with delicate, colorful wings that allow them to glide and hover through the air. Their bodies are slender and lightweight, with six limbs, four of which are used for walking and the other two for grasping objects or manipulating tools.   Despite their whimsical nature, dessamars take their responsibilities seriously, especially when it comes to studying and monitoring the magical auras of their world. They are highly intelligent and curious, always seeking knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Their technology is advanced, yet it is bioengineered and hybrid, reflecting their deep connection to nature and the magical forces of Wazisa.   Dessamars are also deeply spiritual, worshipping a goddess who embodies their values of exploration, self-expression, and wisdom. They have a social hierarchy that is based on merit, with the wisest dessamars guiding the rest. Dessamars value their independence and freedom, but they are also peaceful and non-confrontational, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible.   Despite their small size, dessamars are formidable creatures. They possess keen senses and incredible agility, and their wings allow them to fly at impressive speeds. They also have a unique defense mechanism in the form of hallucinogenic powder that covers their bodies, making them difficult to catch and consume by predators.   Overall, dessamars are a fascinating species that is both beautiful and powerful, with a deep connection to the magic and mysteries of the universe.
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