L'Reet Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


L'reet is a small and unremarkable planet, notable only for its use as a massive garbage disposal for the surrounding star system. Its surface is covered in endless mountains of trash and debris, which are constantly being added to by garbage shipments from neighboring planets and space stations.   The planet is constantly cloaked in a foul-smelling haze, and its atmosphere is choked with toxic fumes and gases from the decomposing waste. The planet's two small moons orbit nearby, casting an eerie, pale light over the endless wastelands of trash.   Despite its dismal appearance and noxious environment, L'reet serves an essential function in the star system as a hub for waste management and recycling. Advanced technology and specialized facilities on the planet allow for the efficient processing of the garbage and the extraction of valuable resources from it.   Overall, L'reet is a vital but unappealing planet, a testament to the challenges of managing waste and the importance of responsible environmental practices in even the most advanced and technologically advanced societies.
Diameter: x.5   Mass: x 2   Gravity: x 8   Atmosphere: x 2   Day: 20 Hours   Year: x .29   Satellites N/A


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