Formian Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The Formians are an ant-like species that operate as a highly organized and efficient hive. Their society is divided into different castes, each with a specific role to fulfill. At the top of the hierarchy is the queen, who is responsible for the hive's reproduction. The myrmarchs and taskmasters serve as the decision-makers and coordinators of the hive, while the warriors protect the hive and are more individualistic than the other castes.   Formian workers are numerous and work tirelessly to maintain the hive's infrastructure, gather resources, and care for the young. They may lack individual identities but make up for it in their strength and determination. Formian warriors, on the other hand, are highly individualistic and value their personal identities more than other castes. Their fierce nature makes them excellent fighters, but they may also seek to break away from the hive and strike out on their own.   Overall, the Formians are a species focused on evolution and expansion. They seek to assimilate biomass into their hives to increase their strength and abilities. This drive for growth and development is a defining characteristic of the Formians, making them a formidable force in the galaxy. Where it not for the limited mobility of their queens the galaxy would surely be threatened. That being said several hives have made their way across the Galaxy.
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