Verces Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Verces is a tidally locked planet, meaning that one side always faces the sun and the other side always faces away. The side facing the sun is a barren, lifeless wasteland, while the side facing away from the sun is a frozen, inhospitable tundra. The narrow band of habitable terrain that lies along the planet's terminator line is the only place on the planet where life can exist.   Despite these challenges, Verces has a thriving civilization that has adapted to the planet's unique environment. The planet is home to a variety of sentient species, including the technological ysoki, the amphibious naiads, and the four-armed strix. The planet's inhabitants have developed advanced technologies and engineering techniques that allow them to build and maintain vast cities and infrastructure in the narrow habitable zone.   Verces is also home to the "Ring of Nations", a loose federation of independent city-states that cooperate on matters of trade, diplomacy, and defense. The city-states of Verces are known for their advanced technology, engineering prowess, and commitment to the common good. They have built sprawling cities that are interconnected by an extensive network of roads, rail lines, and air transportation systems, and have developed sophisticated systems of governance and administration.   The planet's unique geology is also a source of fascination and mystery. The planet is home to a number of massive floating platforms that hover high above the surface, known as the "Heavens". These platforms are covered in ancient ruins, hidden laboratories, and other sites of interest. The planet's inhabitants have developed advanced technologies and magic that allow them to manipulate the planet's magnetic field and control the Heavens.
Diameter: x .9   Mass: x .8   Gravity: x .99   Atmosphere: x 1   Day: 41 Hours   Year: x 3.27   Satellites N/A


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