Geo Form Organization in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil

Geo Form

Geo Form is a prominent organization in the galaxy, known for its expertise in terraforming planets to make them habitable for various alien species. However, despite their noble mission, there are rumors circulating that Geo Form may be engaging in some less than ethical practices in pursuit of their goals.   First and foremost, Geo Form is known to operate in secrecy, often taking on contracts from wealthy clients who wish to remain anonymous. This has led to speculation that the organization may be involved in some sort of illegal activity or even be affiliated with organized crime. Some critics have even suggested that Geo Form is intentionally targeting planets that are already inhabited, with the ultimate goal of displacing the native populations and profiting from the colonization of the newly terraformed worlds.   In addition, there have been reports of accidents and environmental disasters occurring on planets where Geo Form has been working. These incidents have been hushed up by the organization, with very little information released to the public about what actually happened. Some have even suggested that Geo Form is intentionally causing these disasters in order to further their own interests, or to cover up some other shady dealings.   Despite the rumors and suspicions surrounding Geo Form, the organization remains highly respected in certain circles for their unparalleled expertise in terraforming technology. They have been successful in transforming barren, inhospitable planets into lush, vibrant worlds capable of supporting life. However, their methods and motivations remain a mystery, and many are left wondering just what Geo Form is really up to.

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Corporation, Mining/Resources
Controlled Territories


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