Bretheda Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Bretheda is a massive gas giant located in the Pact Worlds system. It is the largest planet in the system, with a thick atmosphere composed primarily of hydrogen and helium gas. The planet's atmosphere is known for its vivid and constantly changing colors, caused by complex chemical reactions and atmospheric conditions.   The planet is orbited by a number of moons, each of which has its own unique features and characteristics.   Bretheda is home to a variety of unique and fascinating creatures, including massive floating creatures that can be miles across, and lightning-based life forms that thrive in the planet's electrical storms. However, despite the abundance of life on the planet, it is not a particularly hospitable environment for humanoid life.   Bretheda remains an important location in the Pact Worlds system. It is home to a number of research stations and observatories, where scientists study the planet's unique atmosphere and the creatures that inhabit it. The planet is also a major hub for trade and commerce, with many ships passing through the system on their way to other destinations.   In recent years, Bretheda has also become known for its connection to the mysterious Drift, a strange and otherworldly realm that can be accessed through certain types of magic or technology. Some believe that Bretheda's unusual properties make it a gateway to the Drift, and there have been reports of strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena near the planet's orbit.   Overall, Bretheda is a fascinating and mysterious gas giant, with a rich variety of life and unique properties that continue to captivate scientists and adventurers alike.
Diameter: x 8   Mass: x 8   Gravity: x .13   Atmosphere: x 9   Day: 100 Hours   Year: x 27   Satellites Seven moon


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