
Matia is the first planet in the Dan Mudd system. Matia is a raging hot planet. Remnants of a moon lay in a ring around the planet though said debris is slowing being pulled towards the binary stars. Due to its proximity to its stars, the planet is subjected to extreme temperatures, making its surface uninhabitable.   The ring is a beautiful sight to behold, but it poses a hazard to any spacecraft that may come too close to the planet. In particularly considering the complex orbital path thanks to having a binary star system orbit.   Matia's atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, with traces of other gases. The planet's surface is dotted with active volcanoes that spew out molten rock and gases. It has no oceans or bodies of water, though it does contain several toxic pools of other liquids both molten and poisonous by nature.   Despite its hostile environment, Matia has some unique features. The planet's strong magnetic field creates intense auroras in its atmosphere.  


  Matia, with its turbulent and fiery landscape, presents a geological marvel unlike any other. Its surface, constantly reshaped by volcanic activity, is a patchwork of rugged terrain dominated by towering peaks and deep chasms. The relentless eruptions from the numerous active volcanoes scatter molten rock across the landscape, forming vast fields of hardened lava flows that stretch for miles in every direction. These volcanic plains, devoid of any vegetation or life, create a desolate and otherworldly vista.   Among the most striking features of Matia are its expansive calderas, remnants of ancient volcanic eruptions that have left behind massive depressions in the planet's surface. These gaping maws, often hundreds of kilometers in diameter, serve as windows into the planet's fiery depths, where magma churns and bubbles ominously. The edges of these calderas are jagged and unstable, prone to collapse under their own weight or the slightest seismic activity, creating hazardous conditions for any explorers brave enough to venture near.   In addition to its volcanic activity, Matia's surface is punctuated by toxic pools of various liquids, each more hazardous than the last. These pools, filled with corrosive acids, poisonous gases, and other deadly substances, are scattered throughout the planet, forming treacherous obstacles for any would-be settlers or explorers. The noxious fumes emanating from these pools mingle with the planet's already toxic atmosphere, creating an environment that is not only inhospitable but actively hostile to life.   Matia possesses a haunting beauty, amplified by the presence of its vibrant auroras. The planet's powerful magnetic field interacts with the charged particles streaming from its binary stars, creating spectacular light shows that dance across the sky in hues of green, blue, and purple. These auroras, visible from nearly every point on the planet's surface, serve as a reminder of the raw power and majesty of Matia's natural forces.  


  Matia's climate is a maelstrom of extreme conditions, where every moment poses a threat to any life or machinery daring to traverse its surface. The planet's atmosphere, thick with carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, forms a noxious blanket that blankets the landscape in a suffocating haze. Poisonous clouds drift lazily across the sky, obscuring the harsh light of the nearby binary stars and casting the landscape into perpetual twilight. These clouds are laden with corrosive compounds, capable of eating away at unprotected surfaces and posing a constant hazard to any visitors to the planet.   Adding to the planet's atmospheric turmoil are the frequent magnetic storms that sweep across its surface. Matia's powerful magnetic field, generated by its molten core, interacts violently with the intense radiation streaming from its binary stars, creating massive disturbances in the planet's atmosphere. These storms manifest as swirling vortexes of charged particles, capable of wreaking havoc on any electronic equipment caught in their path. Spacecraft attempting to navigate the planet's treacherous orbit must contend with these storms, which can disrupt communication systems, scramble navigation signals, and even cause physical damage to their hulls.   The most immediate and visceral threat on Matia's surface, however, comes from the relentless onslaught of lava blasts that erupt from its countless volcanoes. These eruptions, fueled by the planet's seething interior, send plumes of molten rock and superheated gas rocketing into the sky, raining down destruction on everything in their path. The explosive force of these eruptions can hurl boulders the size of houses for kilometers in every direction, carving new channels through the planet's tortured landscape and burying anything unlucky enough to be caught in their path beneath a blanket of ash and debris.  

Notable Locations

Mt. Niffel

  Mt. Niffel stands as a towering sentinel of magnetic fury and geological chaos. Rising high above the desolate plains below, this imposing peak is renowned throughout the galaxy as both a natural wonder and a perilous deathtrap. What sets Mt. Niffel apart from the countless other volcanoes that dot Matia's surface is its unique composition and magnetic properties.   Formed from a combination of iron-rich minerals and volcanic rock, Mt. Niffel is a magnetically charged behemoth, its every surface pulsing with raw electromagnetic energy. This intense magnetic field exerts a powerful pull on nearby metallic objects, rendering compasses useless and disrupting the navigation systems of any spacecraft that dare to approach too closely. The mountain's magnetic influence extends for kilometers in every direction, creating a zone of absolute chaos where the laws of physics seem to bend and warp with every passing moment.   But it is not just Mt. Niffel's magnetic properties that make it such a notorious landmark on Matia. The volcano itself is a roiling cauldron of molten rock and searing gas, its crater a yawning maw of fiery death that belches forth plumes of ash and smoke with terrifying regularity. Lava flows cascade down its slopes in rivers of liquid fire, carving new channels through the landscape and consuming everything in their path with relentless fury. To venture too close to Mt. Niffel is to court certain doom, for few who dare to challenge its wrath ever return to tell the tale.   Despite the inherent danger posed by Mt. Niffel, the mountain holds a strange allure for adventurers and thrill-seekers from across the galaxy. Its otherworldly beauty, combined with the raw power of its magnetic forces and volcanic eruptions, makes it a magnet for those seeking to test their mettle against the very forces of nature itself. But for every brave soul who sets foot on its slopes, countless others are claimed by its unforgiving embrace, their remains serving as a grim testament to the awesome power of Mt. Niffel and the harsh realities of life on Matia.  

The Sisyphus

  Amidst the tumultuous landscape of Matia, a lone sentinel persists in its ceaseless task, its name whispered in hushed tones by those who dare to brave the planet's hostile environment: The Sisyphus. Originally conceived as a beacon of hope for the terraforming efforts on Matia, this AI rover now stands as a testament to perseverance and futility alike.   Forged in the crucible of alien ingenuity, The Sisyphus was designed to be the vanguard of a grand endeavor: to transform the barren wasteland of Matia into a verdant paradise fit for habitation. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and an array of terraforming tools, it was tasked with taming the planet's wild nature and sculpting its harsh landscape into something more hospitable. But fate had other plans for The Sisyphus, and its journey has been one of constant struggle and disappointment.   Despite its best efforts, The Sisyphus has thus far managed to secure and maintain only a meager half-acre of land, a tiny oasis amidst the desolation of Matia. Time and again, its attempts at terraforming have been thwarted by the planet's relentless hostility, with each success overshadowed by countless failures. Its once gleaming chassis now bears the scars of countless battles with the elements, its circuits strained to the breaking point by the ceaseless demands of its mission.   And yet, despite the overwhelming odds stacked against it, The Sisyphus persists. Day after day, it trudges tirelessly across the rugged terrain of Matia, its sensors scanning the horizon for signs of progress amidst the chaos. Though its efforts may seem futile to some, to The Sisyphus, every inch of progress is a victory won through sheer determination and unwavering resolve. And so, it presses onward, a solitary beacon of hope in a world consumed by darkness, its mission unchanged even as the stars themselves fade into oblivion.  

The Lady's Sword

  Nestled amidst the tumultuous landscape of Matia lies a geological marvel unlike any other: The Lady's Sword. Rising from the ashen plains like a monument to some ancient deity, this colossal formation of pure iron stretches skyward, its jagged edges gleaming in the harsh light of the nearby binary stars. Shaped by the relentless forces of erosion and upheaval, The Lady's Sword is a testament to the raw power and beauty of nature's handiwork.   Standing at the size of a hill, The Lady's Sword commands the attention of all who behold it, its sheer scale dwarfing even the most imposing landmarks of Matia's tortured landscape. From its razor-sharp tip to its broad, flat base, every inch of the formation is a testament to the ferocity of the planet's volcanic past, its surface scarred and pitted by the passage of countless millennia. And yet, for all its rugged beauty, there is an undeniable elegance to The Lady's Sword, a sense of grace that belies its savage origins.   Legend has it that The Lady's Sword was forged in the fires of Matia's ancient volcanoes, wrought from the very heart of the planet itself. Some say it is the weapon of a long-forgotten god, thrust into the earth in a fit of divine rage. Others believe it to be the handiwork of some ancient civilization, a monument to their mastery over the elements. Whatever its true origins may be, one thing is certain: The Lady's Sword is a sight to behold, a symbol of strength and resilience in a world gripped by chaos.
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Diameter: x .5   Mass: x .5   Gravity: x 2   Atmosphere: x 10   Day: 18 Hours   Year: x 3.8   Satellites N/A


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