Mica Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Mica is a small, rocky planet with a fragile yet thick crystalline surface. It has a thin atmosphere and is mostly barren, with no signs of life. However, Mica is rich in iron and other metals, making it a potentially valuable source of resources for any spacefaring civilizations that may visit the system.   Despite its lack of atmosphere and water, Mica has a unique geological history. It has an abundance of crystal formations, including mica, which gives the planet its name. These crystals were formed by intense heat and pressure within the planet's mantle, and have been exposed at the surface due to geological activity over millions of years.  


  On Mica, the landscape is a mesmerizing tapestry of jagged crystalline formations, stretching across vast plains and towering peaks. The planet's surface is dominated by a kaleidoscope of colors, reflecting the multitude of minerals present in its crust. Glittering veins of mica weave through the rocky terrain, catching the light of the distant sun in a dazzling display.   Mica is desolate and inhospitable, with its barren expanse devoid of any signs of life. The thin atmosphere provides little protection from the harsh cosmic radiation, and the lack of water means that no oceans, rivers, or lakes exist on its surface. Instead, the planet's surface is dotted with crystalline structures, formed through millennia of intense geological processes.   Among the most striking features of Mica are its crystal mountains, towering spires of translucent rock that pierce the sky. These formations were shaped by the planet's turbulent geological history, shaped by volcanic activity and tectonic forces. Over time, the relentless pressure and heat within Mica's mantle caused minerals to crystallize and rise to the surface, creating the stunning landscapes that define the planet.   In some areas, vast crystal fields spread out as far as the eye can see, their surfaces shimmering in the dim light of the distant sun. These fields are composed of a variety of minerals, from quartz and feldspar to the eponymous mica, each adding its own unique hues to the landscape. Despite the harsh conditions, these crystals serve as a testament to the planet's rich geological history, offering valuable insights into the processes that shaped its surface over millions of years.   Overall, Mica is a world of stark beauty and rugged terrain, where the forces of nature have sculpted a landscape unlike any other in the cosmos. Its crystalline formations stand as a testament to the planet's turbulent past, offering a glimpse into the geological processes that continue to shape its surface to this day.  


  On Mica, civilization exists in scattered pockets across the planet's rugged surface, characterized by simple yet resilient communities focused primarily on survival and resource extraction. Without the presence of centralized governments or sophisticated urban centers, life on Mica revolves around basic necessities such as farming, mining, and self-preservation.   Farming on Mica is a challenging endeavor, as the planet's thin atmosphere and lack of water make traditional agriculture nearly impossible. Instead, settlers have adapted by cultivating crops in specialized pods, utilizing advanced hydroponic and aeroponic techniques to grow food in controlled environments. These farming pods dot the landscape, providing sustenance for the planet's inhabitants and serving as vital hubs of community activity.   In addition to farming, mining plays a crucial role in Mica's economy, with vast mineral deposits scattered throughout the planet's rocky terrain. Mining camps dot the landscape, where rugged individuals brave the harsh conditions to extract valuable resources such as iron, copper, and rare earth metals. Life in these camps is tough and unforgiving, with miners facing constant danger from cave-ins, toxic gases, and the unpredictable nature of the planet's geology.  

Notable Locations

SlipSlice Penitentiary

  Nestled within a treacherous, steep valley on the surface of Mica lies SlipSlice Penitentiary, a grim testament to the planet's harsh environment and unforgiving justice system. Carved crudely into the rocky terrain, this pit-like prison offers little in terms of comfort or security, serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of lawlessness in this frontier world.   Approaching SlipSlice Penitentiary, visitors are greeted by the sight of the narrow valley walls towering overhead, casting deep shadows over the desolate landscape below. The only visible structure within the valley is a small landing pad situated at its center, surrounded by high walls and fortified defenses. This landing pad serves as the only point of entry and exit for the prison, closely monitored and guarded by security personnel at all times.   Despite its remote location and lack of traditional security stations, SlipSlice Penitentiary is designed to be impenetrable from within. The steep walls of the valley create a natural barrier, making escape attempts all but impossible for the inmates held within. Any attempt to rescue prisoners from the outside would be met with disaster, as the fragile terrain surrounding the prison would collapse under the weight of a ship, sealing the fate of anyone foolish enough to attempt a rescue mission.   Within the confines of SlipSlice Penitentiary, inmates are subjected to harsh conditions and minimal amenities, with little hope of rehabilitation or redemption. The prison operates under a strict regime, with inmates forced to toil away their sentences in grueling labor camps or solitary confinement cells carved into the rocky walls. Despite the harshness of their surroundings, escape is a distant dream for most, as the unforgiving landscape of Mica offers little sanctuary for those who dare to defy its laws.  

The Ruktie Train network

  The Ruktie train network sprawls across the surface of Mica like a vast web, connecting distant outposts and mining camps with a labyrinthine network of gravity-powered trains. Born out of necessity due to the planet's fragile surface, these gravity trains provide a vital lifeline for transportation and resource distribution in this unforgiving frontier world.   Stretching across the rugged terrain of Mica, the tracks of the Ruktie train network can be seen crisscrossing the planet's surface from space, a testament to the scale and scope of this engineering marvel. Constructed by various companies vying for control of Mica's valuable resources, the network spans vast distances, traversing treacherous valleys, winding through rocky canyons, and scaling towering peaks with equal ease.   The trains themselves are powered by the planet's gravitational pull, utilizing a combination of magnetic levitation and propulsion systems to glide effortlessly along the tracks. This gravity-based propulsion not only ensures a smooth and efficient ride but also minimizes the risk of damage to the fragile surface of Mica, preserving the planet's delicate ecosystem while facilitating the movement of goods and personnel across its rugged terrain.   Despite the challenges posed by Mica's harsh environment, the Ruktie train network has become an indispensable part of life on the planet, enabling the efficient transportation of resources to remote outposts and facilitating trade between distant settlements. From the sprawling mining camps to the isolated farming pods, the Ruktie trains serve as a lifeline for the inhabitants of Mica, connecting them to the wider world beyond their isolated communities.  

The Asteroid Bench

  Known ominously as the "Asteroid Bench," this scarred region on the surface of Mica serves as a haunting reminder of the planet's vulnerability to celestial impacts. Centuries ago, a catastrophic event occurred when a colossal asteroid collided with Mica, leaving behind a continent-sized crater that still mars the fragile surface to this day. Despite the passage of time, the wound inflicted by this cataclysmic impact has yet to fully heal, serving as a stark reminder of the planet's precarious existence in the vastness of space.   However, in a twist of fate, the devastation wrought by this ancient impact has led to an unexpected phenomenon. In the aftermath of the collision, Mica's gravitational field was altered in such a way that approximately 75% of all the planet's asteroids now seem irresistibly drawn to the same spot—the very location where the catastrophic impact occurred. This phenomenon has earned the area the ominous moniker of the "Asteroid Bench," as if it were a cosmic gathering place for these wandering celestial bodies.   The thin atmosphere of Mica offers little protection against the constant barrage of asteroids drawn to the Asteroid Bench, leaving the planet vulnerable to further impacts and the potential for additional devastation. Despite the inherent danger, the Asteroid Bench has also become a focal point for scientific study and exploration, attracting researchers and adventurers alike who seek to unravel the mysteries of this enigmatic phenomenon.   For the inhabitants of Mica, the Asteroid Bench serves as a constant reminder of the fragility of their world and the ever-present threat posed by the cosmic forces that lurk beyond their atmosphere. Despite the inherent dangers, life on Mica continues to persist, with settlers adapting to the challenges posed by the planet's tumultuous geological and celestial landscape.
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Diameter: x .5   Mass: x .9   Gravity: x 3.6   Atmosphere: Light   Day: 25 hours   Year: x .5   Satellites N/A


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