
Nitrogen-5 floats silently above the shattered remains of Jupar, a planet split in a cosmic catastrophe that left it forever fractured and bleeding debris into the void. This starbase is no mere platform or utilitarian hub; it is a sprawling city in its own right, a gleaming metropolis suspended against the infinite black. Known throughout the galaxy as Nitrogen-5, the city is an interconnected network of docking stations, repair yards, and warehouses linked by channels and "riverways" of shimmering air tunnels. These tunnels, powered by unknown technologies buried deep within the city’s foundations, act as conduits of artificial atmosphere, allowing vessels and their crews to glide through the starbase as if sailing upon an invisible sea.   The city's architecture is a testament to both necessity and imagination. Towering spires and angular walkways loom over the air tunnels, each structure covered with neon signs and digital advertisements that flicker and pulse like the heartbeat of the starbase itself. The people of Nitrogen-5, a motley collection of starship engineers, merchants, traders, and renegades, navigate this complex maze on sleek hovercraft or through intricate pulley systems that carry them from one floating dock to another. The constant flow of ships in and out of the docking stations gives the city a perpetual sense of motion; here, nothing is ever truly still. The air is filled with the hum of machinery, the distant echoes of conversation, and the occasional clang of metal striking metal as if the very city is in the throes of building itself anew each day.   At the core of Nitrogen-5’s lifeblood is Storm Engine, the megacorporation that controls the starbase and every ship that is born from its labor. Known for its ironclad grasp over starship fuel and repair, Storm Engine has shaped the city’s culture and infrastructure to serve its needs. Its towering headquarters sits at the heart of the starbase, a shimmering obsidian monolith that casts a long shadow over the bustling docks and market districts. From here, Storm Engine executives oversee all operations, ensuring that every transaction, from the largest fuel sale to the smallest engine part replacement, passes through their hands. The corporation’s presence is felt in every aspect of life on Nitrogen-5, from the constant surveillance drones buzzing overhead to the omnipresent logos and slogans that adorn nearly every surface.


Human 40, 30 Android, 20 Other, 10 Hadrogaan


The governance of Nitrogen-5 is a delicate balance of competing interests, managed through a unique system of elected offices that represent the starbase's core economic factions: the Shipwrights, Engineers, and Gas Harvesters. Each faction has its own political party, advocating for policies that support its members' livelihoods and advance its influence on the station. Elections are held every three standard years, with representatives chosen by the residents and workers of Nitrogen-5. These representatives form a council that debates, drafts, and enforces the laws and regulations that keep the city functioning amid the complexities of deep space. The factions frequently clash over priorities — the Shipwrights pushing for investment in new docking facilities, the Engineers demanding upgrades to the aging infrastructure, and the Gas Harvesters lobbying for expanded rights to exploit the gas fields within Jupar’s broken atmosphere.   Currently, Nitrogen-5 is led by Hornuct of the Shipwrights, a seasoned negotiator known for his gruff demeanor and unyielding determination to advance his faction's interests. Under his leadership, the starbase has seen a surge in shipbuilding contracts and an aggressive expansion of the city’s docking capacities, making Nitrogen-5 a hub for trade and travel in this part of the galaxy. However, Hornuct's tenure has not been without controversy. His close ties to Storm Engine and preferential treatment towards shipwright operations have fueled tensions with the Engineers, who accuse him of neglecting critical infrastructure repairs, and the Gas Harvesters, who claim he has obstructed their efforts to secure more lucrative gas rights.


Nitrogen-5’s infrastructure is centered around its remarkable network of air canals, a marvel of engineering that defines the city’s unique character and functionality. These canals are not water-based but composed of shimmering tubes of artificial atmosphere, stabilized by powerful gravitational fields and energy barriers that maintain a breathable environment within their confines. Running through the heart of the starbase, these air canals serve as the primary routes for transportation, where small hovercraft, atmospheric skimmers, and lightweight cargo vessels glide through the channels, creating a flowing, kinetic tapestry of movement. The air is kept fresh and circulated through an array of purification vents positioned at regular intervals along the canal walls, giving off a faint hum and a cool breeze that carries the scents of metal, fuel, and the faint tang of ozone. Each canal is lined with reinforced platforms and docking rings that allow for quick loading and unloading of goods, while bridges arch elegantly overhead, connecting the various districts and levels of the city. The air canals are lit from below by rows of luminescent panels that pulse with a soft, cerulean glow, casting dancing patterns of light onto the towering structures above. These arteries of air are more than just practical—they are the lifeblood of Nitrogen-5, a bustling network that threads together its floating docks, towering spires, and hidden alleys into a vibrant, interconnected whole.


Outer Docks

The Outer Docks, are the bustling heart of Nitrogen-5’s shipwright industry, a sprawling expanse where the clang of metal, the hiss of welding torches, and the rhythmic hum of industrial machinery form a constant, cacophonous symphony. Situated at the periphery of the starbase, this district is where starships of every size and shape come to life. The Outer Docks are a maze of floating dry docks, repair yards, and assembly platforms, connected by sturdy walkways and reinforced bridges that hover over the air canals like a patchwork of arteries feeding the city's lifeline. Here, shipwrights toil day and night, crafting vessels from the smallest shuttle to the largest cargo freighter, their workstations equipped with state-of-the-art tools and machinery provided by Storm Engine in exchange for their labor and allegiance.   This district is dominated by massive construction rigs, towering cranes, and robotic arms that move with a surprising grace, piecing together starships with precision and speed. The air is thick with the acrid smell of burning metal and lubricants, and the soundscape is a constant blend of mechanical groans and human shouts. Despite the rugged, utilitarian nature of the Outer Docks, there is an undeniable sense of pride among its inhabitants, who view themselves as the true builders of Nitrogen-5, the ones who keep the starbase alive and thriving. Neon-lit repair shops, gear vendors, and small, makeshift eateries line the platforms, catering to the hardworking shipwrights and their families, creating a rough, communal atmosphere that pulses with energy and determination. As the first point of contact for many arriving ships, the Outer Docks also serve as a vital gateway to Nitrogen-5, setting the tone for the city’s blend of grit, industry, and relentless pursuit of progress.  

Surface Town

Surface Town, is a patchwork of planetary debris tethered to Nitrogen-5, a chaotic landscape where fragments of Jupar’s shattered surface have been meticulously secured to the starbase and repurposed for resource extraction. These chunks of rock, some as large as small asteroids, are anchored to the city by reinforced trusses and gravitational tethers, creating a jagged expanse of makeshift platforms and tunnels. The ground here is rough and uneven, a mix of exposed bedrock and hastily constructed pathways that wind through pockets of raw ore and mineral veins, while the remnants of Jupar’s original terrain — shattered cliffs, broken plateaus, and jagged craters — offer a stark contrast to the sleek, industrial atmosphere of the rest of Nitrogen-5.  

Node Quarters

The Node Quarters, is the technological heart of Nitrogen-5, a densely packed, labyrinthine sector that marks the remnants of the original space station around which the rest of the starbase has been built. Once a massive, self-contained facility orbiting Jupar, this core structure now serves as the city's central nervous system, housing the most advanced technologies and vital infrastructure that keep Nitrogen-5 running. The district is a vertical marvel, a towering cluster of data towers, relay stations, and control hubs, interlaced with a dizzying array of cables, conduits, and catwalks that stretch like veins and arteries through the city’s skeletal frame. From here, every system on Nitrogen-5 — from the artificial air canals to the power grids and communication networks — is monitored and controlled.   The Node Quarters is home to Nitrogen-5's most skilled engineers, programmers, and technomancers, who work tirelessly within glass-walled control rooms and subterranean data vaults, surrounded by a constant flow of information streaming across holographic displays. The air hums with the soft, rhythmic pulses of machinery, and the glow of countless screens bathes the district in an eerie, digital blue light. The walls are lined with circuitry, and the floors are interwoven with transparent panels that reveal the conduits of energy coursing beneath like rivers of neon. Above, massive antennae and satellite arrays extend from the upper levels, constantly adjusting their positions to maintain communication with the rest of the galaxy.   This district is also the hub for Storm Engine’s most secretive projects, where experimental technologies and cutting-edge innovations are developed and tested, often shrouded in layers of corporate secrecy. Security here is tight, with surveillance drones, automated turrets, and biometric scanners ensuring only authorized personnel have access to its most sensitive areas. Despite its cold, mechanical appearance, the Node Quarters is vital to the city’s survival, a place where innovation and invention meet the practical needs of a starbase on the frontier, powering the progress of Nitrogen-5 and safeguarding its future in the vastness of space.
Location under


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