Ophi Empire

The Ophi Empire is a powerful military force consisting of the Vesk, a reptilian species known for its physical strength and tactical prowess. The Empire is ruled by the Ophikarium, a council of high-ranking Ophi officers who oversee military operations and political decisions.   The Ophi Empire is an expansionist society constantly seeking to grow its territory and acquire resources. It views diplomacy and negotiation as weaknesses, preferring to use military force to achieve its goals. Despite this aggressive approach, the Ophi are a proud and honorable people who value courage and loyalty above all else.   The Ophi military is well-trained and well-equipped, with a wide array of advanced weaponry and armor. They also utilize powerful starships capable of dealing devastating blows to enemy fleets. As a result, the Ophi Empire is one of the major powers in the galaxy, and their influence is felt throughout many star systems.   In addition to their military might, the Ophi are also known for their strong cultural traditions, including ritualistic combat and elaborate honor codes. These cultural values play a significant role in Ophi society and military operations.   Despite their aggressive nature, the Ophi Empire has occasionally formed alliances with other powers, particularly when it serves their strategic interests. However, these alliances are often temporary, and the Ophi Empire will not hesitate to turn on their allies if they see an advantage in doing so.   As a collective, they seem to worship unanimously a powerful being known as Ophiuchus. That being said, no one has witnessed this individual. It is highly contested whether or not Ophiuchus is an actual being or a conceptual idea that resides within the souls of every member of the Ophi empire.
Military Order
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