Skittermander Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Skittermanders are a unique and cheerful species with a fascinating life cycle. They are small in stature, standing at only 3 feet tall and weighing around 35 pounds, with short fur in tropical climates and shaggy hair in colder regions. Their coloration varies widely, with shades of blue, green, and violet being the most common, but without any clear connection to their surroundings.   What sets skittermanders apart is their innate desire to help others and their unusual outlook on governance. They enjoy working together and following a qualified leader to accomplish tasks, but once the job is done, they don't feel the need for permanent leadership or governance. This makes them a challenging species to rule, but also one that is happy to assist the Veskarium when they first arrived on Vesk-3, as they recognized the Veskarium's superior strength and wanted to help in any way they could.   Despite being conquered by the Veskarium, skittermanders have retained some of their autonomy and continue to go about their lives cheerfully, working for the empire but not necessarily acknowledging their rule. They have fully embraced technology and love to travel, often serving in clerical positions to help as many people as possible. Skittermanders have a goblin-like flair for the ridiculous but lack any innate malice.   Skittermanders begin life as whelps, looking like miniature adults but with more prominent ears and a tiny, secondary mouth on their abdomen. After 6 years, they mature into adult skittermanders and lose their secondary mouths, but maintain their taste for anything remotely edible. They are omnivorous and can digest fruits, leaves, raw meat, and seeds, with the ability to attach themselves to large prey and feed at their leisure with the help of a numbing mucus secreted by their secondary mouth. A swarm of skittermander whelps is capable of bringing down large prey in minutes.   Overall, skittermanders are a fascinating and unique species, with a cheerful outlook on life and a strong desire to help others. While challenging to rule, they have adapted to life in the Veskarium and continue to thrive, serving in a wide range of roles to assist those around them.
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