Phentomite Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Phentomites are a unique humanoid species that originated from the planet Raxid, a cluster of floating landmasses in Near Space. Their society lost much of its scientific and magical advancement after a catastrophic accident that caused much of the planet's mass to explode into space. However, the remaining landmasses continued to rotate around a gravitational anomaly, creating a habitable environment for the surviving population.   Phentomites have adapted to the low-oxygen environment, with their eyes adjusted to see in the dark and specialized nerves that grant limited thermographic vision. They have striated blue skin with streaks of other colors, varying between phentomites from different areas of the planet. They are tall, standing at 7 feet, with backward-bending legs that give them a natural ability to jump farther than most humanoids. They have ungual feet that grant them purchase on rocky slopes.   Their society relies on farming, artisanship, and trading. They have developed an elite class of phentomites called bridgers who use death-defying acrobatics to cross the gaps between landmasses and erect temporary rope-and-wood structures, making travel between islands possible. However, such trips can take several months to complete and are incredibly hazardous.   Phentomites cities range from idyllic artist enclaves to bustling industrial centers, with each landmass containing at least a few mines. The remnants of Raxid's past, including unknown material roads and wagons pulled by six-legged draft animals, are still in use today.   Despite being relatively isolated, the Pact System have made contact with phentomites through their small space station named Harmony-One. Due to the hazardous conditions, landing starships on any of the Raxid's surfaces is not possible. Therefore, off-world vessels can only land in a designated area outside of Zisfahani, Raxid's largest city, and travel to other landmasses must proceed along terrestrial routes with the aid of local phentomite bridgers.
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