Raxid Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Raxid is a planet located in the same system as the black hole Katas ov, in a miraculously stable orbit around the massive object. The planet is unique in that it has been shattered into numerous pieces, with debris forming a massive ring around the planet's center of mass.   The destruction of Raxid's solid surface was caused by the intense gravitational forces of Katas. As the planet orbited the black hole, it experienced severe tidal forces that gradually pulled it apart. Over time, the planet broke into smaller fragments, which began to collide with each other, forming an enormous ring of debris.   The planet's atmosphere, however, was able to survive this cataclysmic event. The atmosphere remains relatively stable and dense, providing an environment that could potentially support life, even though all life on the planet was wiped out during the planetary fragmentation. The atmosphere is made up mostly of nitrogen and oxygen, similar to that of Earth, with traces of other gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.   The fragments of Raxid that make up the ring system are incredibly diverse, with many different sizes and shapes. Some of the fragments are massive, several kilometers across, while others are tiny pieces of debris, no larger than a pebble. Some of the fragments contain water ice, and others are rich in minerals such as iron, nickel, and gold.   The ring system is also home to various space debris, including asteroids and comets, that have become trapped in the planet's gravitational pull. These objects have been brought in by the intense gravity of Katas, making Raxid's ring system a popular target for mining companies seeking rare and valuable resources.   Overall, Raxid is a fascinating and unique world, with a complex and diverse ring system that provides a glimpse into the tumultuous and destructive forces that can shape the universe. While life has been eradicated, the planet's atmospheric remains a subject of interest and study for astronomers and astrobiologists.
Cracked Planet
Related Ethnicities
Diameter: x Several shattered Bits   Mass: x 1   Gravity: x 1   Atmosphere: x 0   Day: N/A   Year: x 5494.43   Satellites N/A


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