Strix Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The Strix are a species of avian-like creatures that inhabit the desert planet Gretji. They are known for their sharp claws, powerful wings, and keen eyesight. Their bodies are covered in a tough, metallic-feathered skin that helps them survive in the harsh environment.   The Strix are a reclusive species, preferring to live in isolated communities spread out across the planet's vast deserts. They have a unique ability to sense metal from great distances, allowing them to locate sources of technology that they can scavenge for parts.   In fact, the Strix have a peculiar diet - they consume metal to survive. They have powerful jaws and stomachs that can break down and digest metal, allowing them to extract valuable minerals and resources from the technology they scavenge.   Despite their love for technology, the Strix have not developed any advanced technology of their own. Instead, they rely on their natural abilities and their scavenging skills to survive.   The Strix are organized into small, tightly-knit communities that are fiercely protective of their territory. They have a hierarchical social structure, with the strongest and most skilled individuals rising to the top.   Their isolationist tendencies and scavenging habits have led to misunderstandings with other species, who often view the Strix as hostile and dangerous. However, the Strix are simply trying to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world.
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