Gretji Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Gretji is a desert planet located in the Holar system, and it is known for its harsh and unforgiving terrain. The planet is dominated by sprawling deserts, rocky canyons, and towering mesas, which are all whipped by fierce sandstorms and intense heat. The planet's atmosphere is thin and dry, and its days are long and scorching, making it a difficult place to live.   Despite its inhospitable nature, Gretji has been the site of a major war that has raged for generations. The planet's valuable resources, including rare minerals and precious metals, have made it a highly contested area of the Holar system. Various factions, including rival nations, criminal organizations, and mercenary groups, have fought for control of the planet's resources, leading to widespread destruction and suffering.   Overall, Gretji is a tragic and troubled planet, scarred by war and exploitation. The fighting on the planet has left deep wounds that will take time and effort to heal, but the determination of the resistance movement gives hope that a brighter future may yet be possible.  


  Gretji, a desert planet in the Holar system, is a tough place to live. Its vast deserts, rocky canyons, and tall mesas make up most of its land. Sandstorms and blazing heat are common, making it hard for anyone to survive without proper shelter and supplies.   The planet's geography tells a story of harshness and struggle. Rocky canyons cut through the land, offering shelter but also posing dangers. Towering mesas rise from the desert floor, serving as landmarks in the vast expanse. Sandstorms sweep across the surface, covering everything in dust and debris for days on end.   Water is scarce on Gretji, found only in a few oases and underground. Controlling these water sources means holding power over others. Despite the challenges, there's hope in the resistance against the war and exploitation that has plagued the planet for generations. The scars left by conflict run deep, but there's determination to heal and build a better future for Gretji.  


  On Gretji, civilization is a testament to resilience and adaptation amidst the ruins of war. The planet's inhabitants, battered by generations of conflict, are focused on survival and recovery in the harsh desert environment. While the scars of war are visible everywhere, there's a palpable sense of determination to rebuild and forge a better future.   The economy on Gretji revolves around the remnants of the past - the starship graveyards. These graveyards, scattered across the planet's surface, are treasure troves of valuable metals and resources salvaged from wrecked spacecraft. The inhabitants of Gretji have learned to navigate these treacherous graveyards, scavenging for metal to trade and use in construction, repair, and manufacturing.   Life on Gretji is centered around these bustling scrapyards, where makeshift settlements have sprung up amidst the wreckage. Here, scavengers, traders, and craftsmen eke out a living, bartering goods and services in exchange for salvaged metal. The economy is driven by a spirit of resourcefulness and cooperation, as communities come together to overcome the challenges of their environment.   Despite the focus on survival, there are signs of hope and progress on Gretji. Efforts to reclaim and repurpose the war-torn landscape are underway, with initiatives to clean up debris, cultivate arable land, and establish sustainable infrastructure. The scars of war may run deep, but there's a growing sense of unity and purpose among the planet's inhabitants as they work towards a brighter future.  

Notable Locations

Fayub Scrap Fields

  Amidst the unforgiving deserts of Gretji lies a haunting reminder of the planet's turbulent past: the Fayub Scrap Fields. This vast expanse of twisted metal and shattered hulls serves as the graveyard of a massive starship battle that took place fifteen years ago, leaving behind a landscape scarred by destruction and tragedy.   The Fayub Scrap Fields stretch as far as the eye can see, with wreckage from countless spacecraft scattered across the desert sands. The remnants of once-proud starships lie twisted and broken, their hulls battered and scorched by weapons fire. The air is thick with the scent of rust and decay, a poignant reminder of the lives lost in the conflict.   Despite its somber atmosphere, the Fayub Scrap Fields are not devoid of life. Scavengers and salvagers brave the treacherous terrain in search of valuable metals and technology hidden amidst the wreckage. These daring individuals navigate the labyrinthine corridors of shattered starships, risking life and limb to claim their prize.  

The Fertile Valley

  In the heart of Gretji's unforgiving desert landscape lies a remarkable oasis of life and greenery: Fertile Valley. This uniquely positioned valley stands out as a stark contrast to the barren surroundings, offering a haven of fertility and abundance amidst the harsh desert world.   Fertile Valley is a testament to the power of nature's resilience and adaptation. Nestled between towering cliffs and shielded from the relentless winds of the desert, the valley enjoys a microclimate that supports lush vegetation and thriving ecosystems. Rivers fed by underground aquifers nourish the fertile soil, creating a verdant paradise in the midst of the arid wasteland.   The valley's isolation and protection from the harsh elements have made it a sanctuary for diverse flora and fauna. Towering trees, vibrant wildflowers, and lush grasses carpet the valley floor, providing habitat and sustenance for a myriad of creatures. Birds soar overhead, while small mammals scurry amongst the undergrowth, creating a symphony of life in this secluded oasis.  

Scrap City

  Upon the wreckage of a colossal mothership lies the bustling metropolis known as Scrap City. Born from the ingenuity and resourcefulness of an opportunistic scavenger, this sprawling settlement has become a haven for junkers, tinkerers, and outlaws seeking refuge amidst the remnants of the past.   Scrap City is a labyrinthine maze of makeshift structures, cobbled together from salvaged metal and scavenged technology. Towers of scrap rise high into the sky, forming a skyline of twisted metal and rusted machinery. Narrow alleyways wind through the city, lined with workshops, market stalls, and dive bars frequented by its eclectic inhabitants.   At the heart of Scrap City lies the wreckage of the mothership, its massive hull now repurposed into the central hub of the settlement. Here, scavengers and traders come together to barter and trade their wares, exchanging salvaged goods and stolen technology for food, water, and supplies.   Life in Scrap City is a constant struggle for survival, where only the cunning and the resourceful thrive. Lawlessness reigns supreme, with rival factions vying for control amidst the chaos. Yet amidst the danger and uncertainty, there's a sense of camaraderie amongst the inhabitants, bound together by a shared desire to carve out a life in this unforgiving wasteland.
Diameter: x 1   Mass: x 1.25   Gravity: x 1.25   Atmosphere: x .99   Day: 40 Hours   Year: x 5.24   Satellites N/A


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