Trox Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Trox are communal arthropods from Nchak, one of Liavara's moons. However, in their dedication to the Forever Queen Hylax, they ensure the group's success never overshadows individuals' desires, passions, and pursuits. Trox are fiercely loyal to whatever they commit themselves to, including other creatures and idealistic causes.   They are a strange group of creatures. As a society they thrive on a communal hive in reverence to their queen. However they value the unique individualism that they have been granted by her power. With that in mind their hive mentality and thirst for individualism often lead them down incredibly similar paths. Their enormous frames and chitinous armor make them incredibly good at protecting things. As a result Trox often get hired out as mercenaries and body guards.   Trox live a life of contradiction. It is considerably offensive to mistake one Trox for another. Many will go out of their way to decorate themselves as best as they can. While they are not comfortable striving to far out of the norms one might see them adorned in a variety of different colors. This unfortunate combo of traits has proven to be a hurdle in the socialization of Trox outside of the norm. Battle scars and injuries are major trophies that add to their uniqueness.

Ethnicity Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.   Size Trox are Large monstrous humanoids with a space and reach of 10 feet.   Speed Your base walking speed is 40 feet.   Darkvisiont Trox have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.   Bulwark When you take the dodge action you may give partial cover to all adjacent creatures.   Chitin While not wearing armor Trox have +1 armor class.   Spiritual Fervor Trox have proficiency in religion, and intimidation   Languages You can speak, read, and write Trox, and one other language of your choice.
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