Liavara Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Liavara is a gas giant. It is the 2nd largest planet in the system, and its thick atmosphere is comprised of hydrogen and helium gas. The planet's vibrant and swirling clouds are a sight to behold, with colorful bands of different gases and chemicals that create stunning patterns and storms.   The Gas Giant's atmosphere is so thick that it is impossible to see very far in front of you. The planet has no terrestrial surface or solid core.   The planet's most notable feature is its massive ring system, which is comprised of millions of individual pieces of debris, ranging in size from tiny dust particles to massive asteroids. The rings are constantly changing, as the planet's gravity pulls in new debris and expels old material. This has led to the development of a number of mining operations on the outer edges of the ring system, where valuable resources can be extracted from the debris.   Liavara is also home to a number of unique creatures that are adapted to survive in the planet's thick atmosphere. These creatures are typically composed of gases and chemicals, and range in size from tiny microbes to massive, floating beasts. They feed on the chemicals and gases that make up the planet's atmosphere, and are often the subject of study and research for scientists and explorers.   Despite its harsh and inhospitable conditions, Liavara remains an important destination for scientists, miners, and explorers who take up residence in floating cities. The planet's unique ring system is a valuable source of resources, while the study of its atmosphere and the creatures that call it home can lead to new discoveries and advancements in the field of astrobiology.
Diameter: x 3   Mass: x 2   Gravity: x 2.3   Atmosphere: x 10   Day: 52 Hours   Year: x 14.7   Satellites Three moons


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