
Varculaks are undead beings that possess a strong desire to continue living even after their physical body has perished. Their memories are hazy, but their drive for existence is fueled by an intense need to fulfill a purpose. Their bodies retain a semblance of their former selves, though their limbs and sensory organs may wither away and turn to dust. They have a distinct feature in which their eyes become points of cold light, giving them an eerie appearance.   These creatures have a sense of urgency in their existence and are always on the move, rarely resting. Some have a clear recollection of their past life and make it their mission to complete unfinished tasks or reintegrate into society. Others, however, only remember the circumstances of their death and become consumed with vengeance, seeking out those responsible and anyone remotely connected to their demise.   Varculaks are driven by passion and seek to find purpose in their second life. They are not afraid of taking risks and can become obsessive in their pursuits. However, those who become too fixated on revenge often face a second and final death, as their quest becomes all-consuming and leads to their own destruction.
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