
Mafist is a strange and foreboding gas giant with a dark secret that few in the universe are aware of. Orbiting the planet are five ominous moons, each one steeped in legend and superstition. But the true horror of Mafist lies in the portal to Hell as it is known by the locals. Mafist is a place of unspeakable terror that is said to hold the key to ultimate power and knowledge.   The gas giant's thick, roiling atmosphere is a deep, murky red, and crackles with the electricity of massive thunderstorms. The moons are pockmarked with craters and deep crevasses, their surfaces harsh and unforgiving. Strange, otherworldly creatures lurk in the shadows, their glowing eyes and jagged claws a constant reminder of the dangers that exist on Mafist.   The portal to the realm that resembles Hell is a swirling vortex of blackness, an ever-present threat that draws in the unwary and the foolish. Those who venture too close risk being pulled into the abyss, never to return. But for the brave or the desperate, the portal represents a gateway to ultimate power and knowledge, a chance to gain access to secrets that could change the course of history.   Rumors abound about what lies beyond the portal to the realm that resembles Hell. Some say it is a place of infinite wealth and power, where anything is possible for those who are strong enough to seize it. Others say it is a place of unspeakable horror, where the very fabric of reality is twisted and distorted beyond recognition.   Regardless of the truth, the lure of the portal is strong, and many have risked everything to try to unlock its secrets. But few have returned, and those who have are forever changed, their minds twisted and their souls corrupted by the dark power that they have glimpsed beyond the portal.   Mafist is a place of danger, mystery, and dark magic, a planet that holds secrets that few in the universe are brave enough to explore. For those who dare to venture into its depths, the rewards may be great, but the risks are even greater.
Diameter: x 5   Mass: x 5   Gravity: x .2   Atmosphere: x 3   Day: 15 Hours   Year: x 8.95   Satellites Six Moons


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