Wiidri Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Wiidri is a small terrestrial planet located closest to the blue star Holar. Due to its close proximity to the star, Wiidri has a very short orbital period, completing a full orbit around Holar in just a few days. As a result, Wiidri experiences extreme temperature variations between its day and night sides. The day side is a scorching desert with temperatures that can reach up to 500°C, while the night side is a frozen wasteland with temperatures as low as -200°C.   Despite these harsh conditions, Wiidri is unique in that it possesses psionic properties. The planet's core is rich in psionic minerals and elements, which have infused the planet's soil, rocks, and atmosphere with psionic energy. This energy has a profound effect on the planet's inhabitants, granting them various psionic abilities.   Wiidri's indigenous species, are a highly advanced race of beings with powerful psionic abilities. They have evolved to live in the extreme conditions of the planet, and can harness the psionic energy of the planet to survive and thrive.  


  Wiidri, the small terrestrial world orbiting in close proximity to the vibrant blue star Holar, boasts a landscape shaped by the extremes of its environment. The planet's geography is a study in contrast, with the division between its scorching day side and frigid night side defining its terrain.   On the blistering day side, where temperatures soar to staggering heights exceeding 500°C, the landscape is dominated by vast expanses of arid desert plains. Here, relentless sunlight beats down upon cracked and parched earth, creating a barren expanse broken only by the occasional jagged mountain range. Molten rock formations, remnants of ancient volcanic activity fueled by the intense heat, dot the landscape, their fiery hues contrasting starkly against the azure sky.   As Wiidri rotates into the shadow of its night side, the landscape undergoes a dramatic transformation. The oppressive heat gives way to bone-chilling cold, plunging temperatures to depths as low as -200°C. Frozen wastelands stretch across the terrain, their icy plains broken only by towering glaciers and jagged ice formations sculpted by the relentless winds. The landscape takes on an otherworldly appearance, with shimmering ice crystals reflecting the faint light of distant stars against the backdrop of the endless night.   Amidst these extremes, pockets of geological diversity emerge, shaped by the interplay of Wiidri's unique environmental conditions. Deep canyons carve through the planet's surface, their depths sheltering rare oases of life amidst the harsh desert sands. Frozen lakes and rivers snake their way through the icy plains, their waters kept liquid by geothermal activity bubbling up from the planet's core.   Despite the inhospitable nature of its environment, Wiidri teems with geological wonders waiting to be explored, each offering a glimpse into the planet's tumultuous history and the forces that have shaped its landscape into the awe-inspiring tableau it is today.  


  The civilization of Wiidri is a complex tapestry woven from the diverse cultures and traditions of its inhabitants, both within the confines of Inertia City and among the nomadic tribes that roam the planet's unforgiving wilderness.   Inertia City, with its population of scrappy survivors, serves as a melting pot where individuals from all walks of life come together in a bid to carve out a better existence amidst the harsh realities of Wiidri. Despite the city's impoverished state, its residents display a remarkable resilience and ingenuity, pooling their resources and talents to overcome the challenges of their environment. Inertia City is a place of contrasts, where makeshift shelters constructed from salvaged materials stand in the shadow of towering skyscrapers cobbled together from the remnants of crashed spacecraft. Life in the city is a constant struggle, yet amidst the poverty and hardship, there exists a sense of community and camaraderie among its inhabitants, who band together to face the challenges of their harsh environment.   Beyond the confines of Inertia City lie the nomadic tribes that roam the planet's vast wilderness, eking out a living amidst the desolate expanses of desert and ice. These nomads, often descended from the planet's indigenous inhabitants, have adapted to the harsh realities of Wiidri's environment through centuries of survival and hardship. Living in close harmony with nature, they follow the rhythms of the planet's cycles, migrating across the landscape in search of food, water, and shelter. Despite their transient lifestyle, the nomads possess a deep connection to the land, drawing upon the planet's psionic energy to guide them on their journey and sustain them in times of need.   While the civilization of Wiidri may be scattered and disparate, it is bound together by a shared resilience and determination to persevere in the face of adversity. Whether dwelling within the confines of Inertia City or traversing the planet's vast wilderness, the inhabitants of Wiidri embody the spirit of survival, drawing strength from the land and from each other as they strive to build a better future in the harsh and unforgiving environs of their home planet.  

Notable Locations

Toss Rock Barrens

  The Toss Rock Barrens stand as a striking testament to the relentless forces at play on Wiidri. Located at the border between the scorching day side and the frozen night side, this desolate landscape is characterized by vast expanses of loose, rolling rocks scattered haphazardly across the terrain.   The unique geological phenomenon of the Toss Rock Barrens is attributed to Wiidri's rapid rotation and extreme temperature differentials. As the planet hurtles through space, its rapid rotation causes loose rocks and debris to be flung from the surface, creating a barren wasteland where only the hardiest of life forms can survive.   The rocks themselves bear the scars of their turbulent journey, with jagged edges and weathered surfaces telling the tale of countless collisions and upheavals. Despite the seemingly chaotic nature of the landscape, patterns emerge amidst the chaos, as larger boulders come to rest in clusters while smaller stones litter the ground in between.   Navigating the Toss Rock Barrens is a perilous endeavor, as the ever-shifting terrain presents constant challenges to travelers. Sudden rockslides and avalanches are a common occurrence, triggered by the planet's violent rotation or seismic activity deep beneath the surface. Only the most skilled and daring adventurers dare to venture into this treacherous landscape in search of its hidden secrets.  

Inertia City

  Inertia City stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of its scrappy, survivor-esque inhabitants, who eke out a living in the harsh environs of Wiidri through sheer determination and resourcefulness. With a population of roughly 5000, this ramshackle settlement clings to existence amidst the unforgiving extremes of the planet's climate.   Despite its impoverished state, Inertia City possesses a unique advantage that sets it apart from other settlements on Wiidri: a massive, makeshift shield constructed from salvaged materials that stabilizes the city's climate and gravity. Pieced together from scraps of metal and salvaged technology, the shield acts as a barrier against the planet's tumultuous weather patterns, providing a semblance of stability to the city's beleaguered inhabitants.   The shield's climate stabilization system regulates temperatures within the city, preventing the scorching heat of the day side and the bone-chilling cold of the night side from infiltrating its boundaries. Similarly, its gravity stabilization technology helps to mitigate the effects of Wiidri's erratic gravitational field, providing a relatively stable environment for the city's inhabitants to live and work.   Despite the shield's protective benefits, life in Inertia City remains a constant struggle. The city's economy is built on a foundation of scavenging and bartering, with residents scavenging the surrounding wastelands for resources to trade and sell in the city's bustling marketplace. Makeshift shelters constructed from salvaged materials dot the landscape, offering meager protection against the planet's harsh elements.  

Tuning Forest

  Deep within the heart of Wiidri lies the mystical Tuning Forest, a sacred and enigmatic landscape revered by the planet's indigenous inhabitants as a holy site of immense spiritual significance. The forest is characterized by a series of towering natural pillars, each resembling giant tuning forks rising from the earth, their crystalline structures shimmering with latent psionic energy.   These natural formations, believed to have been shaped by the planet's psionic minerals and elements over millennia, serve as conduits for the planet's inherent psionic energy, resonating with a harmonious frequency that reverberates throughout the surrounding landscape. The pillars are arranged in intricate patterns, forming a labyrinthine network of pathways that wind their way through the forest, leading pilgrims on a journey of spiritual discovery and enlightenment.   For the indigenous inhabitants of Wiidri, the Tuning Forest is more than just a physical location—it is a sacred space where the boundaries between the material world and the realm of the psionic are blurred. It is believed that those who enter the forest with pure intentions and an open heart can attune themselves to the planet's psionic energy, unlocking hidden depths of consciousness and tapping into their latent psionic abilities.   The Tuning Forest is a place of pilgrimage and prayer, where devotees gather to meditate and commune with the psionic forces that permeate the fabric of reality. Rituals and ceremonies are performed beneath the shadow of the towering pillars, their crystalline surfaces pulsating with an ethereal glow as they resonate with the collective consciousness of those who seek enlightenment within their midst.
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Diameter: x .5   Mass: x 2   Gravity: x 8   Atmosphere: x.3   Day: 70 Hours   Year: x 2   Satellites N/A


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