Damai Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The Damai are a dwindling race of survivors who once were human, inhabiting a shattered planet that has been wracked by war and cataclysmic events. They are hardy and resourceful, yet also fragile and vulnerable. The colossi, horrific beasts that rose from the depths of the planet, have been their constant enemy, and the Damai have had to adapt to survive in this hostile environment.   Their physical appearance reflects their harsh existence, with gray skin that seems to blend into the rocky terrain and a lean, muscular build that speaks to their survivalist lifestyle. They stand tall at 6 feet, and their average weight of 175 pounds is due to their lean physique and the scarcity of resources on their planet.   The Damai are also prescient, with some possessing the ability to see into the future. However, this gift is often tempered by their solipsistic nature, as they prioritize their own survival above all else. Their society is centered around their Guardians, who possess great power through their bond with rune-scribed orbs that convey vital information about the colossi and even allow for subtle influence over their behavior.   Despite the challenges they face, the Damai remain fiercely independent and tenacious, refusing to succumb to the forces that seek to destroy them. They are a people on the brink of extinction, but they will fight tooth and nail to ensure their survival, even if it means sacrificing their own.
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