Worlanisi Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The worlanisi are a unique and fascinating species of small, blue-skinned humanoids. Their charming and adventurous nature leads them to travel extensively for long periods, often prioritizing the journey over the destination itself. They are known for their competitive spirit, love of the outdoors, and their welcoming attitude towards strangers.   Despite their delicate appearance, worlanisi are remarkably strong and agile, thanks in part to their four arms. Their most distinctive feature, however, are the horn-cones on either side of their head. Once used for tracking prey across their native moon, these horn-cones have since atrophied for that purpose, but now allow worlanisi to communicate telepathically with one another.   The horn-cones also give worlanisi a unique ability to manipulate luck in their favor, making them an almost superstitious species. However, the horn-cones come with a drawback, as they amplify incoming and outgoing psychic energy, resulting in a painful reverberation.
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