Celest Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Celest is a planet that was once a great desert world, known for its vast dunes and fierce sandstorms. However, one fateful night, the planet was transformed into a gas giant, with swirling clouds and violent storms that raged across its surface.   The cause of this sudden transformation remains a mystery to the inhabitants of Celest, but some suspect that the planet's neighbor, Bisnow, may have had a hand in it. There are rumors that Bisnow conducted some sort of experiment that went awry, causing a massive release of energy that somehow transformed the desert world into a gas giant.   Whatever the cause, the people of Celest have had to adapt to their new home. They live in floating cities that drift through the planet's dense atmosphere, constantly buffeted by powerful winds and electrical storms. The cities are connected by a network of airships and floating bridges, allowing the planet's inhabitants to travel between them despite the treacherous conditions.   Life on Celest is difficult and dangerous, but the people who live there are hardy and resilient. They have learned to harness the power of the planet's storms and use it to generate energy and propel their cities through the atmosphere. They have also developed advanced technologies for purifying the gases and liquids found within the planet's atmosphere, allowing them to sustain themselves in this inhospitable environment.   Despite the challenges they face, the people of Celest have a fierce sense of pride and identity. They see themselves as survivors, who have overcome incredible odds to build a life for themselves on a planet that was never meant to sustain life. And although they may never know the true cause of their planet's transformation, they are determined to make the best of the hand they have been dealt.


  • Celest Map
    Celest is constantly in flux but here is a map of the area with the most population.
Diameter: x 5   Mass: x 5   Gravity: x .2   Atmosphere: x 1   Day: 12 Hours   Year: x 30.16   Satellites Three moons


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