Endra Fort

Every time I see the towers of the Endra Fort I feel assured that somebody is looking out for us.
— trade caravan leader
  Just like many of the forts constructed by The Vanguard the fort near the Endra Swamps was originally not intended to be longterm. As time went by it became clear that the position was so ideal that it made into a permanent fort. Over the years it has been greatly expanded into the large fort it is today.  

Extra Information

North of the Endra Swamps
Construction Date
956 AE
The Vanguard



Outer Area

  The fort itself is built upon a hill overlooking the countryside to the north and the trade road between Varos and Torini to the east. To its south lies the Endra Swamps, a region that the Vanguard worked hard for to make safer but has recently become more dangerous once more.   The fort features a large stone wall with several towers making it impossible to actually attack the fort without any form of siege.  

Inner Layer

  As it functions as one of the headquarters of The Vanguard the Endra Fort has many buildings within its boundry. It features a large training ground for new recruits and several warehouses filled with supplies. Multiple weaponsmiths and armorers can be found here as well and as it is so close to a main trade route it gets frequent visits from trade caravans.    

Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge


Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge


  At the start of its construction the Endra Fort was supposed to be temporary. The first fort was made fully out of wood and was meant to be as a short term base of operations while helping the neighbouring Varos. Once the problems of Varos had deminished other settlements started asking for help. It was then decided to make the fort permanent.   As the years went by the fort was greatly expanded and stronger materials were being used. A large stone wall was constructed and many new buildings were built within its perimeter.  

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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