Lofior Chosen

When the Daski descended upon the ancient vessel a light shone. Lofior appeared before them and proclaimed that from now on they were his chosen, destined for greatness.
— religious Loforian text
  The city of Loforia deep within the Lower Realms is still quite a mystery to this day. However, some knowledge has reached those on the surface from time to time. They are known to have an extremely advanced and strong army and among them the legendary Lofior Chosen are said to be the strongest of them all.  

Protectors of a god



  According to legends there was a long period of strife in the Lower Realms that forced the Loforia faction of the Daski Elves to move into new territory. They came to a gigantic cavern that was dimly lit. When the Daski looked up at the source of the light they saw a large metal ship that many believe could have been a Divine Vessel

When they approached the vessel the god Lofior appeared before them. He told them that from now on they would be his chosen people and never want for anything. The Daski set up camp and found the city of Loforia around the vessel. And just like Lofior had promised the Daski Elves there prospered ever since.  


  Although the god Lofior is seen as an evil god among many followers of the Erergr pantheon, he is greatly worshipped among the Daski who live underground. Lofior himself is still believed to dwell within the large vessel at the center of Loforia. From here he selects the best in the military of the city to be his chosen.   This elite group is tasked with protecting the center of the city at all costs and ensure that nobody tries to get near to Lofior himself. But the Lofior Chosen do not only guard the home of Lofior as they can also be send on missions. In this regard they go on covert missions or gather intel which would otherwise be difficult for Lofior to obtain. It is commonly thought that the Lofior Chosen operate a sort of spy network which employs non Daski.   Sometimes they also lead operations against Ifelian in the hopes of keeping her at bay.  

Lofior Dark Elf by Kefkejaco with Herforge

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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Aug 12, 2024 19:59 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the contrast between the people who view Lofior as evil and the Daski, who revere him (and rightfully, so, he kept his promise!)

Aug 23, 2024 10:32

Thank you! Yeah I like to give a bit two sides of the story and will expand further upon why others think he is evil later on ! :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 14, 2024 00:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, interesting. I like the different viewpoints, especially because most view him as an evil god. However, he did keep his promise and the people have prospered, so I think in that case he is worthy of their worship! I like that he has a dedicated group of protectors - especially if they are keeping Ifelian at bay too.

Aug 23, 2024 10:40

Thank you! I will at some point make an article about the Erergr Pantheon why some think he is evil.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!